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Hello from Oregon

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  1. #1
    Gripandflip started this thread.
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    Hello from Oregon

    Hi, my name is Michael Thompson and I live in Roseburg, Oregon. I'm a disabled veteran and a full-time college student. I easily get bored with school work and started to think of ways to earn a little fun money in my down time. I remembered the summer of 2007 when I worked temporarily for the Bureau of Land Management as part of a cadastral survey crew working in the woods. Almost every day, we would come across a dumping site in the woods or a random appliance on the side of old logging roads. There was so much scrap metal in the woods that it would definitely be a full-time job collecting everything. Now, I'm in a position that I can afford to go into scrapping full-time. My father-in-law's contracting business has taken a dive in the last several years so I'm now thinking we might just go into business together as a scrapping team. Anyway, since I'm obviously new to the scrapping game, I will be posing many questions to all of you seasoned pros. Hopefully, I will be able to contribute positively to the discussion boards.

  2. #2
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum Grip and thanks for your service. It is a shame what people dump illegally but if you can cash in and the woods look better when your done, it all works out in the end.
    Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
    Certified Zip-Tie Mechanic
    "Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."

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