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Intro - Hi from Manitoba, Canada

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  1. #1
    ewastedepot started this thread.
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    Intro - Hi from Manitoba, Canada

    Hi, i am from Morden a small town in Manitoba, Canada and do sales for an e-waste processing company. I am new to the scrap metal/ewaste market and hope to learn and contribute in this forum community.

    We specialize in the recycling and processing of End of Life electronic waste (personal computers, laptops, cell phones, monitors, etc.), non-ferrous scrap, and other items such as batteries, plastic, etc.

    When dealing with electronic waste and other non-ferrous scrap, most of the time they are composite materials. These are difficult to separate and many times the material is either manually separated using cheap labour in a developing country, or if the metals content is high enough to justify the cost, it is sent directly to a smelter. In both cases this will lead to incomplete recovery of the materials present along with a huge environmental impact generated in the process.

    We go a different route. We use a finely crafted combination of milling processes along with material separation using physical properties of the materials in the composite. The milling of the material delaminates the composite (e.g. frees up the pieces of copper and aluminum present in a radiator) and makes subsequent separation of the material by density possible (in this case yielding clean copper and aluminum).

    I hope this forum will help me to extend my know-how and as I learn I will share it as well.


  2. #2
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I'm in Elphinstone, MB.

    Next time you see Pat from Winkler Lawn & Auto say hello for me.

    Is this plant in Morden paying anything for e-wast or charging a fee plus collecting funds from the Manitoba Waste Stewardship program.

  3. #3
    ewastedepot started this thread.
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    Thanks for your interest.
    Next time I'm there I will let him know.

    I send you a PM in regards to your question.

  4. #4
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    do you all buy computer parts by the pound? I dont know how much the shipping is for people inside canada but I have a friend in canada that might want to sell to you instead of sending it across the border.

  5. #5
    ewastedepot started this thread.
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    @PartTimeScrapper - We will purchase computer parts by the pound in the near future. We are currently setting up our equipment at our 30,000 sqft facility and are in the final stage after one and a half years of preparation. Hopefully by the beginning of next year we'll be fully operational and purchase all sorts of scrap material.

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