Originally Posted by
That's $420 a ton (which doesn't sound even close to being right). I'd call the yard directly and ask. What county site are you looking at for
scrap prices? Again deal directly with the yard(s). Call a few. Tell them you have heavy iron. It usually pays more than sheet type goods.
You're right. I got it wrong. it's 220/tom as long as no part is wider than 4 four feet.

Originally Posted by
What equipment do you already have? Truck? Trailer? Is there a running tractor around there? Guessing not since you mentioned renting a Bobcat. A winch? Could buy one and pull stuff onto trailer. Or use a truck and chain and run parallel to the trailer to pull stuff up onto it. I've done that to load cars. Got a 4 wheeler? That would work on lighter stuff. I loaded a broken riding mower that way.
This is excellent input. Thank you! Well, as far as equipment goes I do have access to some stuff, but it all needs some work. There's a 4x4 truck that needs a head and my brother is going to come down and get it running this weekend. Also, there are two really old (like 1940s) classic tractors, and the neighbors all insist that one of them runs, because my step father used it to do lots of work for people in the neighborhood two years ago. There's also a 1967 Jeep pickup that is all rusty looking but has a post-2000 rebuilt motor, but I need to install a new ignition because the key is lost. It has a giant winch on the front of it. There's a giant flat-bed trailer and a few other trailers, lots of jacks and dollys and so on. The best thing I have going for me is that my 29yo older brother is coming to help. He has no experience with this sort of project either, but he's pretty crafty and figures stuff out quickly. He was the one who recommended that I join your forum last fall.

Originally Posted by
Engine hoists are heavy. I wouldn't want to drag it all over the farm to get each piece of metal. But if you do, you can put wood under it to keep it from sinking into the gravel.
Good idea!

Originally Posted by
Are you looking to maximize your money or get rid of stuff? Those pumps are likely to have a fair amount of copper.
This is the kind of fact I would have no idea about without advice from wiser souls. I would like to maximize the payoff, because like everybody these days, I'm pretty desperate. How would I best determine whether there was copper in the pumps? Also, why do pumps contain copper?
Thanks again for your help!