I would like to say Hello to everyone! My name is Scott Barnes and I Co-own -and- Operate “in retrospect” a relatively small Scrapping /
Metal Recycling company located 35-miles outside of Milwaukee Wisc. We officially started scrapping in May of 2004 and formed the company the following year.
Prior to Scrapping & Recycling, my vocation & background was within the skilled trades of the Construction Industry. From 1986 -to- 2004 my work consisted of building, higher end renovations, and then the later 9- years I was a heavy Equipment Operator.
I have been browsing this site for a couple months now and have found it to be quite interesting and informative. I personally thrive on learning new knowledge related to the scrapping industry and I can see how this forum can certainly ad to ones knowledge, so I decided to register with Scrap Metal Forum.
Please understand and bare with me as my computer and internet experience is quite limited. Other than word processing and a occasional CL. Ad and checking the weather, I have never really used the computer or the Net up till a couple months ago, so my participation on this forum will be a great learning experience all around.
I truly look forward to this opportunity to further my knowledge as well as possibly share certain things and some of my experiences that may help others within the scrapping industry/ business.
Please Note: I will attempt to come back and complete this at a later date when I have more time.
Thank you!