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Greetings from upstate New York

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  1. #1
    earlfromclay started this thread.
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    Dec 2011
    upstate ny
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    Greetings from upstate New York

    Hello all, i go by the name Big Earl. I've been a golf course superintendent for 10 years. I wish I knew then what I know now. Been a lot of value tossed over the years. i became interested in scrapping just recently. during the great recession (great depression 2), I became obsessed with silver and gold. Naturally, i began to consider semi-precious metals as well. I started collecting pre 1982 copper pennies, and doing some metal detecting as well, both of which arent very fruitfull. but, i have amassed a stockpile of pennies. too bad its illegal to melt them down though. anyway, my new interest is in e-scrap. I dont think i'll be trying to extract the gold myself, seems to dangerous. so i'm looking for buyers in the Syracuse area. so far, it seems nobody around here pays, they just will take it for free. the other question I have is, based on everyones experience, what are the biggest return on investment items to be focusing on? Been reading for a week or so, great site, thanks for all your help.

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