G'day to all on this great forum.
My name is Ian and i make money from other peoples junk.
Recently i took some time of work because my partner had our second beautiful little girl

However i had to take a little longer off work due to complications so i got back into scrapping very part time to keep some coin coming in.
When i returned to work three weeks ago i was informed that i no longer had work in the new year.
However this just means that i will now be scrapping, restoring, and improving junk, full time from now on and staying positive i think this is a good thing.
I collect stuff in my toyota lite ace van and make use of two sheds and an empty garage for breakdowns and fixing stuff.
Tools i use frequently include magnet (of course ), cordless screwdriver, sledge, sawzall and heavy duty secateurs i use for wire. (i used to prune fruit trees years ago and i guess these feel more natural to me than side cutters or the like.) also welder and soldering iron and multimeter. I've also got a christmas gift voucher that is screaming ANGLE GRINDER!
I have learnt a lot from cruising this forum already and hope to contribute some back soon.
Ian from south of Sydney, Australia.