Hi Everyone

I've been reading the forum for a few months now. I registered a few days ago, and I was determined to introduce myself before the end of the year. Well, it's 4.30pm my time, so that makes me a man of my word

I have been scrapping on and off for years, and I am familiar with aly, copper, brass, steel, motors, etc. What I had no idea about was escrap, and all I can say is that you guys and girls in the US are light years ahead of us in the UK when it comes to dealing with electronic items.

Over here, processing escrap is a game played by corporations who earn big bucks from it, and they want to keep it that way. Not only do you need a license to remove and transport any waste (whether or not it is metal) on a commercial basis in the UK, you need an extra license to deal with escrap (what we call WEEE (pronounced "wee" over here).

There isn't much stopping you collecting escrap on a small basis yourself, other than trying to find places to sell the sorted and separated items to like you have in the US. Unfortunately, if you went to one of the companies that buy quantities of boards in the UK then you would need a waste carriers license and a WEEE license before they would deal with you. Very catch 22 for the one person operator who wants to earn a realistic price for their electronic waste.

So what about sending a box of high grade processors to the US? That would be worthwhile, wouldn't it? Unfortunately you need yet another (making three in total) license to export WEEE. And every license costs plenty of money :eek:

I'm looking forward to chipping in to the threads I read where I can. This is a great forum, and it doesn't matter what side of the ocean you are from, metal is metal. Unless it's WEEE metal

Thanks everyone,
