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  1. #1
    HELPME started this thread.
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    Hey everyone!

    Hey everyone, my name is alex, i am 19 and a freshman at rutgers new brunswick majoring in biological sciences. I have previously scrapped metal a few times with my when we had repairs done at home or got rid of a lawnmower or something of that nature. However i have never really scrapped on a large scale before. Unfortunately, my dad lost his job last year as a result of the economy, and i decided to scrap metal to help pay for my own college tuition as times are tough and i know my dad would appreciate every penny i can contribute.
    I found an abandoned factory that has a been abandoned for around 15 years in my town and it is kinda in the middl eof nowhere, so while i suppose its not strictly legal, it isnt as though im stealing from anyone and i wont be caught. the place is already trashed pretty well with graffiti and etc but there is a largee amount of irion, aluminum, steel, and some copper still left in the forms of beams, lockers, ducts, water heaters, doors, etc. If anyone could help give me tips or anything of the nature i would really appreciate it!! thank you!!

  2. #2
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    Can you afford taking time off from school to sit in jail for felony theft? If not, FIND THE OWNER FIRST!

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  4. #3
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    I was not really impressed by your thread. Even though something appears to be abandoned does not mean it is free to take everything belongs to somone.You stated yourself that it was not STRICTLY legal but there was little danger of being caught.You my freind need a morality check if you get caught stealing from that place you deserve whatever you get.

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  6. #4
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    this is how we get stuck with more laws and more regulations.

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  8. #5
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    Hes probably wanting to find out ways of contactng the owners & what he could expect.
    The local council will hold details of the property, expect it to be owned by banks - who won't help you in any way.
    or going thru 'paperwork' which also won't help.
    Businesses will want to cover themselves first & expect to profit on paper when all the dealings done, no loose ends.

    Find out who owns it first, ask them & see what happens.

    Don't go in there without letting the Police know what you are doing, who won't help either.
    If you do 'make yourself known' to Police, don't quote "what anyone said", back to them.
    But 'making yourself known' first will help you if the Police get involved later on.

    If you do get the owners permission (hard) get paperwork to cover you while you are there, I mean a buisness card with permission on the back & whos got permission etc. Expect to have to wear safety gear at all times.

    This may help, but get permission first.

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  10. #6
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    They say you can't teach common sense...Every school should at least try.
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    "Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."

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  12. #7
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HELPME View Post
    Hey everyone, my name is alex, i am 19 and a freshman at rutgers new brunswick majoring in biological sciences. I have previously scrapped metal a few times with my when we had repairs done at home or got rid of a lawnmower or something of that nature. However i have never really scrapped on a large scale before. Unfortunately, my dad lost his job last year as a result of the economy, and i decided to scrap metal to help pay for my own college tuition as times are tough and i know my dad would appreciate every penny i can contribute.
    I found an abandoned factory that has a been abandoned for around 15 years in my town and it is kinda in the middl eof nowhere, so while i suppose its not strictly legal, it isnt as though im stealing from anyone and i wont be caught. the place is already trashed pretty well with graffiti and etc but there is a largee amount of irion, aluminum, steel, and some copper still left in the forms of beams, lockers, ducts, water heaters, doors, etc. If anyone could help give me tips or anything of the nature i would really appreciate it!! thank you!!
    If you want to go to prison for breaking and entering, vandalism, theft, and lord only knows what else, go right now!

    If you want a chance at a life, to finish school, and to get a GOOD paying job, take the address to the court house or where ever public records are kept in your area, and look up the current owner! There is always someone paying taxes on it. Contact them...if they have no desire, perhaps you can make them a deal or something, but regardless if a business has sat abandoned for 100 years or 1 month, NEVER go in without permission, unless your willing to throw your life away!

    If you cannot find the owner, then speak to the police, or someone at public records and ask who you need to speak to, to get permission.
    George Beale - Founder & President -
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  13. #8
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    If you cannot find the owner, then speak to the police, or someone at public records and ask who you need to speak to, to get permission.
    I can just picture this conversation. "You have the right to....."
    When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it
    no taxes, no debt, women did all the work.
    White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Old Cherokee saying

    I did not surrender, they took my horse and made him surrender. - Lone Watie

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  15. #9
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Idahoscrapper has some experience finding people quickly.

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  17. #10
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by injunjoe View Post
    I can just picture this conversation. "You have the right to....."
    If he just goes to the property then sure.

    I suggested to speak to the police, if he cannot find the owner after looking up the address through public records.

    They may know who owns it, or provide him some useful information on where to obtain it.

  18. #11
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    If he just goes to the property then sure.

    I suggested to speak to the police, if he cannot find the owner after looking up the address through public records.

    They may know who owns it, or provide him some useful information on where to obtain it.
    Oh I see!

  19. #12
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    Sometimes abandoned isn't really abandoned...when I had my business we maintained a little storage lot with palletized, shrink wrapped parts and several old cars, chassis, etc. When we didn't have room inside, it got stuck in the lot. It was in an old industrial area, overgrown and looked abandoned.

    Unfortunately someone cut a hole in the fence at the back of the lot and cleaned us out over the course of a couple weeks. We caught two guys and prosecuted them but besides paying a little in restitution, they pretty much got off scot-free.

    Just saying, everything is owned by someone.

    Even though I scrap a lot myself I'm very much against the "hobo with a truck" scrappers that give the rest of us a bad name. We've all got stories.

    Maybe try a CL ad or post fliers around campus. Being a well spoken young man in college, you might get your foot in the door in places other folks might not. Take advantage of what you have.

    Or you might make more $ working in the cafeteria...who knows?!

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