Sometimes abandoned isn't really abandoned...when I had my business we maintained a little storage lot with palletized, shrink wrapped parts and several old cars, chassis, etc. When we didn't have room inside, it got stuck in the lot. It was in an old industrial area, overgrown and looked abandoned.
Unfortunately someone cut a hole in the fence at the back of the lot and cleaned us out over the course of a couple weeks. We caught two guys and prosecuted them but besides paying a little in restitution, they pretty much got off scot-free.
Just saying, everything is owned by someone.
Even though I scrap a lot myself I'm very much against the "hobo with a truck" scrappers that give the rest of us a bad name. We've all got stories.
Maybe try a CL ad or post fliers around campus. Being a well spoken young man in college, you might get your foot in the door in places other folks might not. Take advantage of what you have.
Or you might make more $ working in the cafeteria...who knows?!