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  1. #1
    JobsAllOver started this thread.
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    Hi everyone, I would love some advice.

    Hi guys. I'm an amateur scrapper but I've been out of the business for a while now. I used to get all sorts of scrap in college with my roommate so we could have some beer money. (Classic, I know). I come to you folks hopefully for a little advice. I just made a website focusing on lesser known ways to make extra cash, and I wrote a piece on recycling scrap metal. I'm hoping you guys can give me a few tips on what is missing or even incorrect in my guide. The guide is at ... (Sorry, can't post links yet)

    It's an easy read but I am sure there it could use some improvements. If any of you have any suggestions at all on what else to include, it would be much appreciated! I'm looking forward to hearing your input!

  2. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    you can search posts here and spin them

  3. #3
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Where do you live that you get $1.15 for Aluminum and $.20 for steel?

  4. #4
    divapickers's Avatar
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    I think you really need to look at your pricing.
    I could be wrong but I really don't think this is accurate---Aluminum - $1.15/lb - Lawn furniture, car trim, hand rails, gutters and leaders, storm doors, beverage cans, transmission housings, heavy electrical cable, power tool housings, screening, and hub caps. Aluminum is a lightweight metal with a silver color

    This one also is not accurate---------Iron/Steel - $.20/lb - These are magnetic. Iron will be found in pipes, cars, and beams. With steel being prominent in refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines, water heaters and the like.

    And this one too------------Stainless Steel - $.40 lb - This is the non-magnetic and shinier version of steel. It is used in car trim, hub caps, hand rails, and beer kegs

    Not a true statement---
    The prices listed above can vary quite a bit per region and month, but as of 2012 they are fairly accurate.

    Where are you getting your price list from?

    Scott and Betty

  5. #5
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    Introductions are for introductions.

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