Originally Posted by
The buyers were here in CA n i met them through some common friends.They were looking for scrap metal.Now they have gone back to their country,they wanted some one reliable to source out scrap metal for them.They want to operate on a LC.So that is why i'm here.
I am having a very hard time believing you.
The way you are coming off, is even if you did meet these "buyers" through some common friends, they informed you that they were buyers for scrap metal, and would pay you for brokering deals for them. Then all of a sudden you saw the $$$$ signs everywhere.
The easiest way for you to do what your looking to do, is find out what they are willing to pay, then start figuring up your costs, etc.
From there, contact any scrap yard you can find, and let them know you are a broker for some buyers in China or wherever they are from.
However, you better be sure you know what you are doing. One false move, and it could end your little career real quick.
I would take everyone's advice, since you don't have a clue and start small.