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Greetings and stuff from Montana~

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  1. #1
    SuSHi started this thread.
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    Greetings and stuff from Montana~

    My name is Thaddeus, I hail from the capitol city of absolutely nothing to do, I just recently became interested in ALL metals, I've been a silver addict for around 10 years, my adventure started when I was 12 or so, When I had absolutely no clue what was going on, I had a silver dollar, this was when silver was worth around 5 bucks an ounce, I only begin to notice what was happening when silver was at 8 bucks, anyways, I bought me a candy bar (.80 cents) with my silver dollar, after I did this, I realized that ... you know, metal had a value, other than the dollar it stood for, I was quite pissed when I realized what I'd done with my silver dollar, after that mishap, I started buying up silver wherever I could, eventually I had acquired around $1000 worth of silver, chains mostly, and during some hard times, I liquidated my stash, this was when silver was at $12 an ounce, and to my horror, silver was (seemed like immediately, but I don't remember), anyhow, silver jumped up to 20 bucks and kept going, after I'd made another mistake by selling my stash too early, so here I am, and it's MY turn to be exploiting all these metals before copper and silver are the price of gold, so that's my story and experience with metal, I'm ready for a new chapter, in which I make some money on this scrap!!!

    Nice to meet you guise!!

  2. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Welcome to the forum Thad. I scrapped in Helena many years ago and there was a literal gold mine of metal up there!

  3. #3
    SuSHi started this thread.
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    Just got done stripping a trackphone and a ....

    weird plugin wifi adapter, I don't expect to become a scrap guru right away but I have all the time in the world on my hands, Is all the gold looking stuff on circuit boards and the like really gold? I was pretty indiscriminate about what I pulled off and put into a bowl. I don't wanna miss anything,

    I need to acquire some metal melting stuff, like a crucible, a furnace, a stirring stick, (right? what else do I need to make myself some silver/gold ingots anyways? I'll start digging around the forum and see if I can't find it on my own too)

    Also does anyone know the cheapest I can get these things for? is there a certain brand that's "the right one"? or any that don't work? It would be good to get some inside knowledge on that sort of stuff, thanks in advance, a few links would be awesome.

  4. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I need to acquire some metal melting stuff, like a crucible, a furnace, a stirring stick, (right? what else do I need to make myself some silver/gold ingots anyways?
    Very dangerous to start messing around with out the proper instructions, especially if your thinking about the chemical process. You could possibly kill yourself or burn your lungs. There is a couple on here that refines further but most of us just break things down to their basic elements then sell to the bigger yards/buyers/refiners.
    Here's how I break things down,
    Last edited by Mechanic688; 02-04-2012 at 08:47 AM.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

  5. #5
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    Mech, that's pretty. And some very good advice. The processing of ewaste into gold, silver etc should really be left to the professionals.

    Do youself a favor and save up the ewaste you are getting now. Take the time to read the old threads on this forum and that way you will make the most off of it. You will enjoy the learning experince and make money. Welcome to the forum. Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  6. #6
    SuSHi started this thread.
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    Thanks for lookin out guise, I just started, so I'll definitely go through this whole site and vacuum out as much knowledge as I possibly can, what are those things from that you scrapped, computers? and how much are they worth?? what's the most profitable thing to strip?

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  8. #7
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Start here, this gives you a general breakdown. I do electronics because overall their smaller items and after you get them out of their steel carcass they don't take up a lot of room. As you can tell by looking here that we have quite a few buyers here for escrap. There is some price sheets listed with their posts for you to compare. Your last question about what's the most profitable would depend on what you like to scrap. Some guys do cars at 2 or 3 at a time, or around $800-$1000. at a time, where others do general scrap or copper. Copper and alum. seem to be the easiest to come across and prices seem to be holding good for awhile. It's whatever you would like to do, but don't do what 20 other scrappers in your area are doing, do what their not. Look on Craigslist under free and see what's available or out on trash day. If there's electronics's everywhere and no ones jumping on it then that's the way to go. Find your niche. Like I said, electronics's doesn't take up a lot of room.
    Last edited by Mechanic688; 02-04-2012 at 02:13 PM.

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  10. #8
    SuSHi started this thread.
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    Alright, i'm scoping out some forum goo right now, thanks you guys, i'm sure ill be asking a whole lot more.

  11. #9
    SuSHi started this thread.
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    Whats up freonjoe, where did you go to find stuff? where might you recommend going now days? where did you sell your loot to? i'm looking to hit this hard soon.

  12. #10
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    I scrapped up there in the late 70's. From Helena east to Harlowtown cleaning up old homesteads. I'm sure I missed tons of them along with all the old mining claims around there. I've always used Pacific recycling. Talk to Eric (the manager) at the yard up there, he'll treat you right.

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