Hello everyone,
I used to scrap with my dad as a kid over 30 years ago. I loved it back then and have recently decided to get back into it. I have been Escraping for about 2 yrs now and do a little refining here and there. My brother in law has joined me in this venture and he has access to lots of scrap so we are into the basic metals along with
escrap. He works for a Hazmat company and makes alot of contacts. I am the maintenance mgr for a 1.75 million sq ft distribution center (wish I could get our scrap) and have also developed an extensive contact list.
I am here to learn more, share experiences, and to meet others who have a passion for this like I do. Maybe it's the nostalga of the fun I had with my dad.
I also do a little refining from time to time mostly silver, and am a avid gold prospector here in South Carolina. I go prospecting about 1 a month for a weekend, dredging, slucing and panning. I have gotten some decent color, but it is mostly a hobby. I also am a memeber of the goldrefiningforum.
Looking forwrd to joining in.