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  1. #1
    2browndonkys started this thread.
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    hi yall

    my names mark. or pnut on account of im almost a midget. i like vw mk1's, jeeps,vintage bicycles, painting and light remodeling, antique toys, tools, collectibles - my family and dogs.
    i love ur forum. only slept couple hours last nite cuz i couldnt shut the ol laptap down. great info, easy to find answers to my questions, great ideas i never would have thought of etc. thanks .
    been a snowbird for years, now staying north(nh) most of year. paint houses in good weather. fixin to scrap all the stuff i got stockpiled in backyard so i can start over again. gonna be first time i ever went to scrap yard. aint in big hurry so im trying to learn what the heck im doin fore i go down there lookin like a dang fool.
    plan on gettin some scrappy skills, make me some coin from my yard. my moms ill and the dogs are a handful if they dont get attention and exersize around the clock. cant be at work enuf to build bankroll. money getting tight this winter and i dont like that at all. not even a little bit. fixin to just take small jobs close to home this year. then use free time to collect stuff when i can get away from home without worrying about somethin or someone. rest of the time ill strip junk in my garage. that way i can entertain dogs, check on mom hourly, do my ebay thing, cook meals, etc at same time.
    if it sounds like im high or from another planet, someone hollerat me, so i can come up with a better plan lol. dont worry u wont hurt my feelings. most of my ideas are bad, and my luck is bad. if it was raining vagina id get hit with a penis kinda bad. so if yall have a scapper poker league thanks but no thanx ill stick to metal for now. that and learning how to type. this intro took me thirty minutes, and my wrists feel like they got run over by a bus. dang.

  2. The Following 3 Users say Thank You for This Post by 2browndonkys:

  3. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Welcome to the forum peanut. If you take the time to read most of the threads here you will find many are/have been in similar circumstances. First tool to own is a magnet.

    Do the free research here and you will be years ahead in your metal education, Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  4. #3
    corycouch's Avatar
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    lol your gonna fit right in

  5. #4
    TheHoss's Avatar
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    Hahahahaha, that was a great into. Thanks for the chuckle. Lookin' forward to havin' ya around.

  6. #5
    TheHoss's Avatar
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  7. #6
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum. Dig around a bit and you'll find lots of answers here.
    Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
    Certified Zip-Tie Mechanic
    "Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."

  8. #7
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    Hey Peanut I've only been here a few days myself and am addicted. You'll get a lot of good info here.
    BTW my wife loved your weather comment! :-)

  9. #8
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum, great intro!
    When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it
    no taxes, no debt, women did all the work.
    White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Old Cherokee saying

    I did not surrender, they took my horse and made him surrender. - Lone Watie

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