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Hello from Western NY

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  1. #1
    billygoat started this thread.
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    Hello from Western NY

    Hi folks. Been reading through the topics and threads and really find this site helpful.

    I'm a former electrician by trade, worked a stint in maintenace at a motel, and also a former landlord who did the bulk of my own repairs and remodeling. So I've had to learn a lot over the years, often on the fly. I'm also rather curious and will scrap almost anything at least once just for the opportunity to take it apart and see what's in there.

    I used to scrap copper and throw everything else away. But now that I'm retired from electrical work and slumlording I pretty much have to take what I can get. I'm getting back into scrapping mainly for the copper and aluminum but I no longer throw everything else away. So far I've torn through two monitors, a laserjet printer (never again!), a toaster oven, a bathroom lighting fixture, and a few other small devices. I currently have a monitor sitting on the floor that I'll scrap next week after the high voltage capacitors (or whatever) has had enough time to discharge.

    I'm looking forward to interacting with you all!

  2. #2
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum...take some time to go thru the old threads, lots of good info.
    Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
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    "Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."

  3. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I currently have a monitor sitting on the floor that I'll scrap next week after the high voltage capacitors (or whatever) has had enough time to discharge.
    Just use an insulated (plastic handle) screwdriver and short out the caps on the bottom of the board. If you want to get fancy get a ground strap and fasten to the screwdriver and other end to a metal ground of some sort.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  5. #4
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    Hello and welcome from another Rochester scrapper. There are a few folks from Roc on here.

  6. #5
    billygoat started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by KZBell View Post
    Welcome to the forum...take some time to go thru the old threads, lots of good info.
    That's always good advice. I think I've actually read about half the forum before joining.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Just use an insulated (plastic handle) screwdriver and short out the caps on the bottom of the board. If you want to get fancy get a ground strap and fasten to the screwdriver and other end to a metal ground of some sort.
    I've read a lot on the subject and watched a lot of videos on YouTube. My favorite comment was something along the lines of, "If your neighbors come running because of the loud noise, assure them that you are all right." I do double check with the screwdriver-and-wire method before digging in, but since I'm not in a hurry I'd just as soon allow the capacitors to lose their charge. As a former electrician I'm well versed on what we used to call "idiot marks" on our tools from working on live circuits. I'd rather not mess up my screwdrivers if I can help it.

    Quote Originally Posted by bjybjy View Post
    Hello and welcome from another Rochester scrapper. There are a few folks from Roc on here.
    Well, hello! I have to admit I was a bit surprised to get a friendly welcome. I rather expected a "get out!" from the local scrappers.

  7. #6
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    welcome aboard

  8. #7
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    Welcome and tear everything apart until you discover more things "you will never do that again". With the breaking down experience you will get more out of the old and new threads. It gives you a knowledge basis to work with, Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  9. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjybjy View Post
    Hello and welcome from another Rochester scrapper. There are a few folks from Roc on here.
    Yeah seems this city is getting a bit crowded.
    We pay you to recycle!

  10. #9
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    What yard do you go to Billygoat?

    I havn't been doing much scraping lately but I mustered a load to take last week to Weitzman & Son. Got $.13/lb for shred, $.29/lb for motors and $1.08/lb for computer wire.

  11. #10
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Yeah seems this city is getting a bit crowded.
    Maybe you guys could meet up and combine your scrap loads and might be able to talk the yard into a little better price. Or do price comparisons on the different yards, No sense fighting, 2 or 3 heads can be better than one.

  12. #11
    billygoat started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjybjy View Post
    What yard do you go to Billygoat?
    It's been a while but I used to go to Kriegers since it was close by to where I was living at the time. I've also been to the one on Steel St. once or twice. It's been so long that I can't remember what the rates were.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Maybe you guys could meet up and combine your scrap loads and might be able to talk the yard into a little better price. Or do price comparisons on the different yards, No sense fighting, 2 or 3 heads can be better than one.
    Price comparisons sounds good. Combining loads might lead to fighting, something I try to avoid.

    And as for crowding, I'm only going to be doing this part-time during the summer. Baseball season starts up in about a month here and I have season seats at Frontier Field. My main hobby is collecting autographs, so that's where I'll be spending the bulk of my time. But in any event, it will be nice to meet some of the scrappers here. I just like making friends.

  13. #12
    little726's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum, billygoat! I'm south of you in Olean NY.

  14. #13
    billygoat started this thread.
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    Thanks, little726! You're not too far from Jamestown... I've been to Jamestown a few times in the last few years to watch a few Jammers games and get some autographs. I really like the ball park there and hope to make a trip out there this summer.

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