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  1. #1
    Kelly213 started this thread.
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    Angry Bad night please I need help and suggestions

    I have been scrapping for about a year now for extra cash. Im a single mom and times get tough. Well today I started scrapping in my chevy cavilier yes a cavilier. Tomorrow is garbage pick up for 4 townships in my area. I started off and got some great stuff and some help from a nice guy who had some extra aluminum. Went to another location got a hugh stainless steel grill that I took apart with my cordless drill right on the spot. Picked up all the nuts and bolts and loaded it into my car. Went to another location and got an apartment sized refrigerator. All these location I found additional items and even had one woman run out and handed me a brass chandler. Im thinking what a great day. I unloaded my car and then found two lawnmowers. Took a break, got gas and went to Mount Lebanon. This is a rich community but I never had a problem here until tonight. Three weeks ago a man was throwing out a water purifying system, I asked him for it and he said yes and even helped me put it in my car. He told me to come by now and again and he will put metal stuff out separate. I was rearranging my items in my small car (by this time he was in his condo) and this lady came out of another condo screaming at me what am I doing and am I dumping trash there. I told her no then I calmly explained that I am scrapping to make some extra dollars plus these items wont go into a land fill. She screamed you better not and went into her house. I was like holy SH++ I went back up to this complex tonight and it was like she was waiting for me. I grabbed a metal curtain rod that was by the curb in the grass and she came up to me screaming WHAT YOU ARE DOING IS ILLEGAL ARE YOU ON DRUGS I AM CALLING THE POLICE. I again calmly stated if items are on the curb and I am not taking from recycling bins or tearing up bags what I am doing is legal. Then she went on to state that I was on private property she was calling the police she has my plate number and she was having me arrested and drug tested????? This is an apartment/condo complex no gate and I never seen a private property sign posted anywhere. After my first encounter with her I passed the garbage in front of her place. Then Im like holy crap is this private property?? Then I was pissed that she assumes Im a druggie. Yes I was dirty from taking apart the grill also while driving through there I was not hiding what I was doing. This lady really has me upset, Im quite neat and polite. I told her I mean no harm and she got this big smile on her face and said your getting arrested. I went home really shaken I called that township police station to have an officer call me to see if there is an ordinance because all the surrounding townships are fine with scrappers. And in the same township I was picking up a battery out of someones garbage a officer stopped and all he said was to park in a safer location. I never got a call back from the police department tonight. It must be nice to have so much money and time that you sit outside and wait for someone who is just trying to make a few extra dollars and get enjoyment on trying to get them arrested. Am I wrong here?? Now Im wondering did I do something wrong and am I going to get arrested. If I do does anyone have any suggestions.

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  3. #2
    TheHoss's Avatar
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    Haha don't even worry about being arrested or anything like that. I'm sure EVERYONE on this forum has gone through this at one point or another. What you dealt with is, unfortunately, a person who has very negative views of scrappers probably because of past experiences with the "bad" scrappers. (druggies and such).

    If i was in your shoes, i would get cleaned up one day, probably on Monday, buy some coffee for you and her, and go meet with her. If you have a business card, bring it. Or any kind of material that kind of explains what you do is legitimate. Just explain to her exactly what you do, and be sure to emphasize the fact that you would like to change her opinion on recyclers.

    I did that one time, had someone scream at me about the whole "thief! druggie!" blah blah. Showed up to their home the next morning with a cup of coffee for them, dressed up, a little bit of reading material, and explained thoroughly what i do. They of course were pissed when i showed up, but when i left we were laughing, and i ended with a friend.

    Now i'm not saying that this is for you. I'm a very extroverted person. I enjoy talking to people, so that's probably why this worked for me. If you're not comfortable, DONT DO IT!

    Bottom line is this: Sometimes you run into a chit head. It's all about how you deal with those chit heads. Do NOT let them ruin your mood. You gotta have thick skin in this business. Physically and mentally.

    By the way, welcome to the forum! Glad to have you here. Be sure to read a bunch of the old topics on here. Lots of great information!

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  5. #3
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    Some people are territorial, confrontational, and domineering (even lil ol ladies from pittsburg ) Hoss is right on, it's best to try to make friends someway, and not but heads with them. Not everyone will trust a coffee from a stranger, but it sure worked for him. Maybe a pretty lil flower from a corner nursery might suffice, i mean even the little seedlings ready for transplanting in the spring, about the cost of a cup of coffee, maybe take em both, if you even care to go back there

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  7. #4
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    Welcome to the Forum, Kelly.

    Why care WHAT she thinks? Maybe SHE should care what YOU think about HER.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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  9. #5
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Smile and wave....it really gets to them

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  11. #6
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    Took a break, got gas and went to Mount Lebanon.
    That's all I need to read.

    Yinz guys don't know Mt Lebanon.

    A friend of mine is in the landscape supply business, and he charges more for any delivery going to or through Mt Lebanon, because his trucks get waaay more tickets there than anywhere else, for chicken**** stuff.

    I got stopped there one autumn evening , about 9 p.m., driving my then 20-year old pickup truck. It was after working outside all day, and I still had my work clothes on, and because I was dressed for the cool weather, I was driving with my window rolled down. My violation? My license plate was dirty. (I know the cop had profiled me as DUI, which I wasn't, but that's the way they work there.) He was nice enough, once he saw I was sober, but that's beside the point.

    Kelly, I'd call the PD again, and ask them if it's legal or not, (and even if it is, they're going to tell you it's not, I'd bet.)

    Someplace else on the forum here, I quoted the law from Pittsburgh that says it's even illegal there to pick trash from the curb. I can't imagine hoity-toity Mt Lebo being more tolerant than Da Burgh.

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  13. #7
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelly213 View Post
    I have been scrapping for about a year now for extra cash. Im a single mom and times get tough. Well today I started scrapping in my chevy cavilier yes a cavilier. Tomorrow is garbage pick up for 4 townships in my area. I started off and got some great stuff and some help from a nice guy who had some extra aluminum. Went to another location got a hugh stainless steel grill that I took apart with my cordless drill right on the spot. Picked up all the nuts and bolts and loaded it into my car. Went to another location and got an apartment sized refrigerator. All these location I found additional items and even had one woman run out and handed me a brass chandler. Im thinking what a great day. I unloaded my car and then found two lawnmowers. Took a break, got gas and went to Mount Lebanon. This is a rich community but I never had a problem here until tonight. Three weeks ago a man was throwing out a water purifying system, I asked him for it and he said yes and even helped me put it in my car. He told me to come by now and again and he will put metal stuff out separate. I was rearranging my items in my small car (by this time he was in his condo) and this lady came out of another condo screaming at me what am I doing and am I dumping trash there. I told her no then I calmly explained that I am scrapping to make some extra dollars plus these items wont go into a land fill. She screamed you better not and went into her house. I was like holy SH++ I went back up to this complex tonight and it was like she was waiting for me. I grabbed a metal curtain rod that was by the curb in the grass and she came up to me screaming WHAT YOU ARE DOING IS ILLEGAL ARE YOU ON DRUGS I AM CALLING THE POLICE. I again calmly stated if items are on the curb and I am not taking from recycling bins or tearing up bags what I am doing is legal. Then she went on to state that I was on private property she was calling the police she has my plate number and she was having me arrested and drug tested????? This is an apartment/condo complex no gate and I never seen a private property sign posted anywhere. After my first encounter with her I passed the garbage in front of her place. Then Im like holy crap is this private property?? Then I was pissed that she assumes Im a druggie. Yes I was dirty from taking apart the grill also while driving through there I was not hiding what I was doing. This lady really has me upset, Im quite neat and polite. I told her I mean no harm and she got this big smile on her face and said your getting arrested. I went home really shaken I called that township police station to have an officer call me to see if there is an ordinance because all the surrounding townships are fine with scrappers. And in the same township I was picking up a battery out of someones garbage a officer stopped and all he said was to park in a safer location. I never got a call back from the police department tonight. It must be nice to have so much money and time that you sit outside and wait for someone who is just trying to make a few extra dollars and get enjoyment on trying to get them arrested. Am I wrong here?? Now Im wondering did I do something wrong and am I going to get arrested. If I do does anyone have any suggestions.

    Don't worry, you will sometimes get that from people. When I used to trash pick, we would occassionally get the same people. We simply told them that we were not dumping, we were removing to help make the environment a safer place. Some were cool after that, and some did the same stupid crap of threatening the police.

    I told one lady one time, when she threatened it, to go ahead and call, and I will wait for the police to show up, that I had nothing to hide.

    I told her that according to law, anything out by the trash is free for the taking.

    Trash companies do not care what you take, as they don't really want metal, because they don't really sort it all out.

    you can also simply go into your local police department and speak to them about it.

    This lady most likely had a bad experience before you ever decided to scrap and is taking it out on you.
    George Beale - Founder & President - info@viprecyclingjunkremoval.com
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  15. #8
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    Told you so...

    ...according to law, anything out by the trash is free for the taking.
    Just quoting you, George, because you're the most recent one to make that statement.

    It all depends on local law.

    I had time to search.

    Remember, Kelly's from Pittsburgh, and she named Mt Lebanon. I used to live in the next Borough over, and I know whereof I speak.

    Link to their ordinances: http://www.mtlebanon.org/DocumentView.aspx?DID=3879

    Applicable section:

    §102 Removing or Disturbing Rubbish, Garbage, Recyclable Materials and Other Refuse Prohibited.

    It shall be unlawful to molest, remove, appropriate, handle or otherwise disturb the materials, containers or contents thereof which have been placed on private or public property or within private or public street rights-of-way for refuse and garbage collection; provided, however, that this provision shall not apply to the owner, occupant, lessee or tenant of the residence, dwelling or business establishment depositing the said items for refuse and garbage collection as aforesaid, or to Authorized Refuse and Garbage Collectors making collections authorized by such depositing owner, occupant, lessee or tenant.
    On edit: Just becasue I know you'll all be interested, here's the section on recyclable materials:

    §303 Ownership of Recyclable Materials.

    All recyclable materials placed by persons for collection by the Municipality or authorized collector pursuant to this Ordinance shall, from time of placement at the curb, become the property of the Municipality or the authorized collector. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be deemed to impair the ownership of separated recyclable materials by the generator unless and until such materials are placed at the curb side for collection.
    (Emphasis added)

    I read that to mean that technically, once you put them by the curb, you can't even go out and bring your own aluminum cans back in...
    Last edited by Ditchdigger; 04-03-2012 at 05:36 PM.

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  17. #9
    greytruck's Avatar
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    When ever I have people yell at me for takeing stuff from there garbage, I dont say anything to them unless they come up to me and ask what im doing. I told a guy once I was takeing stuff to build a space ship and he went back in the house and stared out his window at me till I left. I honked my horn and waved bye. Dont let it faze you. Sounds like she is on drugs

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  19. #10
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    one of the primary rules in scrapping is always consider the sourse. that rule also applies to anal busy bodys.

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  21. #11
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    What crock of crap, trying to make A honest Living and help the environment at the same time and yet sum one has make a big deal bout it
    Alvord iron and salvage
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  23. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by taterjuice View Post
    What crock of crap, trying to make A honest Living and help the environment at the same time and yet sum one has make a big deal bout it
    she has nothing better to do, probably the same lady that yells at kids for playing too loudly in the middle of the afternoon or any other thing that she sees a place to cause a raucus or problem for someone else.

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  25. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ditchdigger View Post
    Just quoting you, George, because you're the most recent one to make that statement.

    It all depends on local law.

    I had time to search.

    Remember, Kelly's from Pittsburgh, and she named Mt Lebanon. I used to live in the next Borough over, and I know whereof I speak.

    Link to their ordinances: http://www.mtlebanon.org/DocumentView.aspx?DID=3879

    Applicable section:

    On edit: Just becasue I know you'll all be interested, here's the section on recyclable materials:

    (Emphasis added)

    I read that to mean that technically, once you put them by the curb, you can't even go out and bring your own aluminum cans back in...
    Thanks for the history lesson, but you should know the way around that as well.

    Any trash company, also has a recycling division that they also run. Everything they collect as part of the recycling division, they make money off of it. Plastic, glass, paper, metal, you name it.

    The reason it is "against the law" in some areas, is because technically if they sit it out to be recycled, then it is the property of the trash company.

    However, you can either ask them for permission, or simply talk to the home owner when they walk out.

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  27. #14
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    The reason it is "against the law" in some areas, is because technically if they sit it out to be recycled, then it is the property of the trash company.
    Oh, yeah, for sure.

    The reason I thought it was worth posting is what I said--the way I read the legaleze, once you put it at the curb, you can't even go back and retrieve your own stuff.

    And in reply to everybody else, yep, she's an anal *****, but if she calls the cops, the law is on her side, and in that community, they'll more than likely take a hard line.

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  29. #15
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    i'm thinking "kelly" has left the building ; )

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  31. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ditchdigger View Post
    Oh, yeah, for sure.

    The reason I thought it was worth posting is what I said--the way I read the legaleze, once you put it at the curb, you can't even go back and retrieve your own stuff.

    And in reply to everybody else, yep, she's an anal *****, but if she calls the cops, the law is on her side, and in that community, they'll more than likely take a hard line.
    I forgot to mention. You can still go for it, and if anyone says anything, just tell them you are recycling it. 99% of the time people say anything, is because they think you are DUMPING and not PICKING up.

    Just love nosey people!

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  33. #17
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    Just a suggestion, Kelly, but I would go to the police station and talk to them about it. I would also get the officer in charge's name in case you need it for future reference.
    Success consists of going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm...... Churchill

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  35. #18
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    Since you have permission from the condo owner, you should be alright. This "Eagle Beak" woman has too much time on her hands. Just ignore her and go about your business.

    Good luck with your scrapping.

  36. #19
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    Trash nazis, that's what I call these ppl don't want what's thrown out but think its not okay for anyone to recycle anything or get good use out of stuff they obviously don't want anymore

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