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Hello and what you've taught me

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    kittywitty is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Hello and what you've taught me

    Hello scrappers,

    I'm a long time lurker with a few posts now officially introducing myself. For me, scrapping is a wonderful hobby that puts cash in my pocket. I consider myself mostly a weekend scrapper and trash night picker.

    I want to thank all of the great posters here who have shared their knowledge. I have learned so much reading and rereading threads in every section. I thought I'd let you know how much I've learned from you by telling you some of the things that you've taught me:

    1. Keep a magnet in the car, you never know when you'll need it
    2. Don't just cut the cords on small appliances, like fans and vacuum cleaners, take the whole thing and break them down to the motors and cut the windings off
    3. I've learned the difference between bare brite, #1 and #2 copper and the difference between cast and sheet aluminum
    4. I've learned to cut off the fittings on copper pipe to turn #2 into #1 (ok I know that should have been a no brainer, but what can I say)
    5. I've learned to call the yard ahead of time and ask for prices rather than just take the prices "in the computer" which are always lots lower
    6. I've begun to learn how to tear down a computer and through the videos, photos and descriptions, I'm figuring out what the different components are and which are the most valuable
    7. I've learned to use a sawzall (I'm working my way up to a grinder)
    8. I've learned different techniques to strip wire -- I use an exacto knife
    9. I've learned to keep my eyes open when driving because found treasure is all around
    10. I've taught my nephews about "treasure hunting" and as a result the 10 year old took apart his first motor and is bringing the copper to his Aunty Cathy

    Well, you get the picture. There is too much else to list. Thank you so much. You all are a great group of scrappers.


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