HELLO , it was a pleasure to read different issues topics & scrap related discussions on this forum which caught my attention to join , its so nice to read all those thoughtful experienced based articles related to scrapping & light jokes that people cut i feel people here are the most intelligent & friendly rather than any other forum .
I am basically from Pakistan ( now most will give a thought if i am some kind of an ALIEN ) WELL

mostly people working in UAE are from INDIA , PAKISTAN , NEPAL & far east countries , as most of you know DUBAI ( U A E ) is 1 of the biggest duty free port and an International hub for doing every kind of business specially IMP + EXP , and
scrap metal plays an important role , doing business or NOT , but , at least i feel i can be friends with every 1 or some 1 at least ?
I do trading in used auto parts and non ferrous scrap , and i would like to exchange views with any 1 who is experienced in related fields