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  1. #1
    residnt started this thread.
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    Hello Everyone, New here and looking to learn

    Hello All,

    I just wanted to introduce myself. I've just found this board about 2 weeks ago and have been reading and reading all of the posts. I did try a small venture into the e-waste over a year ago but gave up on it as I was trying to figure out how to smelt it. Yeah not doing that at home. Right now I'm looking to make some extra cash and do this as a part time gig on evenings and weekends as I currently have a full time job.

    I do have a mini van that I'm sure my wife doesn't want it to get all dirtied up so I think I will need to put cash away for a trailer, hoping to find a good used one at some point but the newer ones are not too expensive.

    Anyways before I start rambling on too much just want to say hi and I love the wealth of knowledge. Just need to be careful not to just spend all my time reading and dreaming instead of going out there and doing.


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  3. #2
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    Just a tip about using the family van - I use my Pathfinder and its the nicer of my family's vehicles. I lay out large pieces of cardboard in the cargo area. Catches most of the dirt and grease, and I just pull out the sheets of cardboard when its time to clean it up for family use.

  4. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Either that or buy you a cheap 5x7 tarp to throw back there, easy to pull out or wash off.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

  5. #4
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    Alvord iron and salvage
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  6. #5
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    Welcome to the forum! Happy wife = Happy life!

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  8. #6
    residnt started this thread.
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    Ha thanks for the warm welcome. I do have a couple of moving blankets as well that I was thinking would work great for this and packs up real small as well.

    I think right now I'm trying to decide on which area I'm going to be focusing on. Be it car batteries, tv's which I'm still reading alot about or what have you.

    The recycling plant around here will take any electronics that I bring in at no charge that I can determine (actually just checked and i can just bring the tubes), as I've dumped off many things there, so I'm thinking that if I go the TV route I will just unscrew them take what I want, put them back together and ship them out.

    Right now i need to educate myself on what each type of metal is. I was looking around to see if anyone has put together a cheat sheet on rough classification, but haven't found it yet. May just need to make one myself

    Anyways happy hunting

  9. #7
    residnt started this thread.
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    Ok I made a trip to my local yard over the weekend it was an interesting experience. I must have looked totally out of place and I stood there for a few minutes just trying to figure out what I needed to do . It was quite interesting to say the least. i had scrapped 1 tv just to see how much was in it and this is what I got. I also had 1 tin gazeebo and a floursent lighting fixture

    from the TV

    1 lb #2 copper = 2.20
    1 lb extruded aluminum = 0.6
    1 lb #2 insulated copper = 0.65

    129 lbs tin = 0.075

    All in all came to 13.02. Since the tin as almost 10 bucks the tv only netted me $3. The inside of the yoke on the tv was aluminum. But overall their prices were quite low.

    I also got their sheet for ewaste and here is whats listed
    all mother and finger boards $2 a lb - intact
    hard drives 0.6 a lb
    ram gold and tin $5 a lb
    ceramic cpus %15-60 a lb
    green cpus - $7 a lb
    power supplies 0.3 a lb
    computer cords 0.3 a lb

    now I know these prices seem quite low and it's a small yard as well. I was thinking that it would make more sense for me to strip the wires and the price difference is quite large.

    What do you all think? Oh and one more thing batteries are $5 each or .3 a lb with 30 or more.

    I'm just trying to find my niche at the moment and trying to see where by best bang for the buck is. I think there is 1 more yard near me and another one if i want to cross a bridge, but wouldn't be worth it unless i had a large haul as I would have to pay a toll both ways to get there.

    Oh and one more thing. The people there were real friendly, they helped me out quite a bit and offered advice as well.

    Last edited by residnt; 05-14-2012 at 11:01 AM. Reason: forgot something

  10. #8
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    Hold all your ewaste until you are certain you know what you are doing. Read the sticky threads at the top of the electronics section then spend time reading the old threads, it will pay off in the end. Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  12. #9
    hobo finds's Avatar
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  14. #10
    residnt started this thread.
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    Thanks for the advice. I don't have anything at the moment but I will be chatting with the local computer repair shops that I have received stuff from before and leave a tote with them to fill if they agree. For power supplies and low grade boards the copper windings that are found on them do I need uncoil off of these or should they be left intact?

    I have been reading and watching all of the stuff I can before even collecting anything. That is why I did just the one crt tv. And that took me a while to break apart as I separated everything.


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