Thanks guys for the hoosier hospitality. This seems like a great place to pick the brains of those w/ more experience and knowledge than I have.
I live about 30 min S of Terre Haute - Sullivan/Greene Co area.
I'm a one man gig. My spare time is limited to 10 or so hours M-F (usually spent gathering). I spend 8-20 hours ea wknd depending on the amount of scrap.
I recently established a source for a small but steady stream of
escrap. I've gotten as few as 5 and as many as 8 computers ea week. CRT's are as many as I want up to about 15/wk. I've also gotten 6 HP transceivers, a couple VCR's & keyboards, and 1 printer.
I also have a source for fingers/contacts/pins. Right now i have 12-15lbs of clean fingers & Contact pins. Some are commercial and some are from military electronic systems and telecom equipment.
Im not sure how long this will last but i'm trying to learn & stockpile at the same time, hoping to reinvest at some point to hopefully grow my side job into my full time job. Right now Im taking all my copper, alum, and shred to my yard but saving the electronic items i breakdown. I'd like to move the fingers/pins soon to convince my wife that this is time well spent. She's getting a little annoyed by my collection

Any suggestions for solid buyers wld be great.
Also I have a start up question for any fellow Hoosiers who are familiar with Indiana Department of Environmental Management and deal in escrap....are you IDEM certified and what are the advantages/disadvantages of registering?