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scrappers bill of rights aka scrappers rights - Page 2

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  1. #21
    blacksteel started this thread.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalbestos View Post
    We'll not a friend but a fellow scrapper I know recommended them . Idk I have never been there , I'm hardly that far up 40 . Just wanted to throw it out there for ya .
    I go to or have gone to most local yards . Many 50 or 200 miles away . And in between. My customers always ask my yards or wants a recommendation . I give yards that are friendly fair and highest paid . Or price match. My word is my reputation like my work. I do a #1 job . I only recommend others that are as good or better. My clients expect good service . It's my trade mark . Leaving you (client ) with a smile.

  2. #22
    blacksteel started this thread.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnC4X4 View Post
    What would be gained by preweighing?
    Zion's scales are all certified

    If you are doing a SCH C at tax time you better already have >>a check sheet to record the weights as weighed, also daily info and milage

    Your statements seem to indicate you believe your yard is ripping you off >> WHY would you continue to deal with people you don't trust?
    People like politicians that don't produce or judge's that pre judge ....hmm . The v.a. administration that scammed disabled veterans. Trust them ? They don't trust you . Disloyal behavior= greed .

    Hey its American . Everyone does it. You think we trust a lie ? All are self serving even your police. Justified shooting you unarmed. It's easy to redirect and ignore a opportunity to matter.

    For things not to change means you are controlled.
    Last edited by blacksteel; 07-12-2014 at 04:05 AM.

  3. #23
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blacksteel View Post
    In my opinion the facility and the scale . How stuff is weighed .

    I have seen many collection set up . How tare and tub work are important. The wrong set up breeds confusion. Being honest and open is my policy. Nothing to hide.
    I agree and if people think that the tare is screwing them, then just dump the box or bucket on the scale....

  4. #24
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blacksteel View Post
    People like politicians that don't produce or judge's that pre judge ....hmm . The v.a. administration that scammed disabled veterans. Trust them ? They don't trust you . Disloyal behavior= greed .

    Hey its American . Everyone does it. You think we trust a lie ? All are self serving even your police. Justified shooting you unarmed. It's easy to redirect and ignore a opportunity to matter.

    For things not to change means you are controlled.
    The Gov't or VA has no bearing on what your talking about. And you mentioned "it's American, everybody does it". Your living in the wrong part of the country if it has made you that hardened. Time to move and reestablish yourself. Here you can change your surrounding or lifestyle or whatever you want to call it.

    I can still leave my car unlocked at nite, and I know of people that still leave their keys in their vehicle.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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  6. #25
    blacksteel started this thread.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    The Gov't or VA has no bearing on what your talking about. And you mentioned "it's American, everybody does it". Your living in the wrong part of the country if it has made you that hardened. Time to move and reestablish yourself. Here you can change your surrounding or lifestyle or whatever you want to call it.

    I can still leave my car unlocked at nite, and I know of people that still leave their keys in their vehicle.
    Everything has bearing . If you don't see it your blind. And run ? Not me . I fight for mine and my rights. That is called back bone . Your gas , insurance or cost of living all sky rocket then yall pay whatever is deemed owed. No fuss just money lol. Get real . Lay down. ..get walked on.. My guess is some have 100% no problem being controlled. I do. Business is 2 way not one sided. I wonder if your volume is like mine. Large for a one man gang. If you don't want to contribute why the snark comments. I only did this to benefit us all. Why such defeating talk ? Are you a business or scrapper. .

    Ps. I have never heard of or seen a scrapper employ a weight/item check off sheet. And if ....definitely not while weighing out. Hmmm. Who is zooming whome. Post your sheet if anyone has one.

    It worries me so many are wishy washy about protecting your interests. Or knowing and clarifying your scrappers rights. YOU DO HAVE RIGHTS IF YOU STAND UP AND DEMAND BETTER PRACTICE S .MAN UP .

  7. #26
    blacksteel started this thread.

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    Everyone does do it. .....go along to get along even if you contribute. (Pay ) yes robot loyalty . How you have been programmed. Lol I robot. C me dance ? Lol .
    Who helped you when your jobs went 3rd world ? Or when fema ignored your claim ? When you get killed by accident by cop ( murder ) Ever watch the news ? These capitalist ain't loyal. Scrappers yards included. Just look at the different pay rates smf members get ! We need protective rules for this business.

    I chase jobs not crack or cash. I HELP THE PEOPLE'S ....ALL PEOPLE.

  8. #27
    blacksteel started this thread.

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    Most yards or employees want you to follow directions not give them so upon giving your solution many balk and huff . Your being difficult. And by the past comments we are being ruff . Er body else just.....yes boss. Lol. That's why I want rules /a guide for this.

    Aka Dumping tare bucket for a flat weight . (Ok so now you dictate to us ? Your lucky we tolerate you lol) wow the nerve of scrappers right ?
    Last edited by blacksteel; 07-12-2014 at 10:19 PM.

  9. #28
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    So we went from..your yard being bad, to the VA, Politicians, an Abusive Police. You also touched on you do what you want...really? I dealt with people like you when I did retail. Know how I handled who came into my store an told me how to do my job? I kicked your butt out my store. You see the key word there..My. As in...MY house MY rules. MY store MY rules. MY Yard My rules.

    You don't like it, you got 2 lovely options..

    1. Find a new one.
    2. Open your own.

    An someone explain to me where the VA has a say in how a yard is run? Not sure why the rant on the VA, Politicians, an Abusive police came from in a thread "Scrappers Bill of rights/Scrapper rights".

    I'd appreciate the For Dummies version tho, I like the cartoons. Failing that I'll take the Cliff Notes version.

    Sirscrapalot - Let the refining and improving of your own life keep you so busy that you have little time to criticize others. - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

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  11. #29
    blacksteel started this thread.

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    How it all ties in .

    Apathy to want better .

    Each thing cited is a example of poor leadership and do nothing attitude. Faith and works means to identify areas to improve and doing that . As i have a vested intrest in the results. Positive work ethics. And growth . To only have two options you limit your potential and impact .

    Where do you get i started with my yard being bad ? I stated @ lets draft a document¡!

    The police politics and veteran admins reflect America and how poor practices led to the shut up and take it treatment given until full media exposure. That's not evident ? Your voice /vote is not important and your blind obedience is? Lol. I tell anyone working with me ....feel free to give a suggestion. I welcome criticism. I have nothing to hide and can always improve my whatever. I'm open. In service you turn away ? I would not turn anyone away . Service is patience with =higher sales .Without knowitall customers business is dull , humor and a smile shows professionalism. People word of mouth remember that . Who they can trust not just patron.? Now that is why our country is a joke. People scared or scare off others from participation. We the people are the power . We set the course and adjenda. That is just participation or feedback which most shun to give ..... The state of your freedom is limited by such fears and restrictions to.give inputs,even critics. I will not be bullied ,run off or under estimated. If you do these things be prepared .

    The customers when wrong are still right . It takes two . One buyer one seller . Two . Your house or yard or nation ........was not built alone. So no rule is absolute unless Devine. My.opinion.
    Last edited by blacksteel; 07-13-2014 at 01:04 AM.

  12. #30
    blacksteel started this thread.

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    Ok .....after receiving a call from a yellow pages scrap yard (per my review) I saw they wanted me to retract but refused to pay what was owed by my count . I took numerous hits over the years and now . It stops . No more nice sucker.
    I tied but a one way relationship is foul.

    So now after much thought . And e scrap processes I brought a small scale and a bathroom one. Both digital with a old style as a check measure fail-safe. Did my a/c compressors then electronic motors. Copper/aluminum next then copper and brass. A pre check weight and a yard I'm no fool move. I didn't do when I sold e scrap but the theme here is to pre weigh lol. I'm with it now as I was not before. Security. Next a real scale. Before I start my yard. Hmm Could happen . It's the next growing step...... (need more thought) . Organization and pre checks go a long way . It's better business for me. Less to guess.

  13. #31
    blacksteel started this thread.

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    Quote Originally Posted by blacksteel View Post
    A list of ten things you would like to see so your drop off goes smoothly. No tricks. Like a visible scale read out. A all yard yard rule guide. A wish list for scrappers that like good fair business.
    Any suggestions yet ? Yards will do better if they know how to serve us better. Or something we can improve to please the yard. How can we work together and flow.

    My jobs flow so my clients are amazed at my pace and rhythm.'s done. Almost like magic so fast.

    I like when my drop off are as smooth .. no pain. And a thank you sir ...I'll be bac!

  14. #32
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    This is a joke, right?? Well I've got a suggestion. How about you going back to school and take some English classes. then take some business classes. Scrap yards have the right to run business the way they want. If they give bad service or rip people off, so be it. They are not holding a gun to your head and making you sell your scrap to them. I hope your in the business of buying circuit boards because my mother boards are worth 10.00 per lbs. I spend my time and gas to get the computers, I shed my blood scraping my hands and arms breaking down the computers therefore my boards worth 10.00 per lbs and the customer is ALWAYS RIGHT. Another thing, you already have rights " You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney and have him present during questioning, if you can not afford one, one will be appointed to you."
    Last edited by happyscraper; 08-05-2014 at 07:21 PM.

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  16. #33
    1956's Avatar
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    Wow this has to be one of the if not the worst treads I have ever read, I can not make heads or tails what the OP is trying to convey??
    Are you in one of those states that have legalized POT. Because you are just not making any sense. If I go to a restaurant and the food is not up to my liking, I would not ever go back. If you feel you are being cheated, taken advantage of, or not getting the service you feel you deserve than why would you ever go back there again.

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  18. #34
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    It's a good dream, "I do what I want" truly a dream. If your like me, you do what has to be done and thankful that you had the opportunity to do that!

  19. #35
    blacksteel started this thread.

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    Quote Originally Posted by happyscraper View Post
    This is a joke, right?? Well I've got a suggestion. How about you going back to school and take some English classes. then take some business classes. Scrap yards have the right to run business the way they want. If they give bad service or rip people off, so be it. They are not holding a gun to your head and making you sell your scrap to them. I hope your in the business of buying circuit boards because my mother boards are worth 10.00 per lbs. I spend my time and gas to get the computers, I shed my blood scraping my hands and arms breaking down the computers therefore my boards worth 10.00 per lbs and the customer is ALWAYS RIGHT. Another thing, you already have rights " You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney and have him present during questioning, if you can not afford one, one will be appointed to you."
    Wow ....your focase is grammar? Ha ha . So you have no input just jokes and out put. Garbage not help. What's got your panties bunched ? You contribute nothing. So what is your point ? Do you buy or sell or just snipe ? School teacher by trade ? PM me next time so I can really say how I feel. Some people contribute some try to control. Guess you lose this round. I'm independent. I look up to God not man. I do honest business with honest men. Hell Mayors and Governors are going to jail for stealing. Police too. So what makes scrap yards so innocent ? Or mob rules ? Your pushing up on me to shhhhh.

  20. #36
    blacksteel started this thread.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 1956 View Post
    Wow this has to be one of the if not the worst treads I have ever read, I can not make heads or tails what the OP is trying to convey??
    Are you in one of those states that have legalized POT. Because you are just not making any sense. If I go to a restaurant and the food is not up to my liking, I would not ever go back. If you feel you are being cheated, taken advantage of, or not getting the service you feel you deserve than why would you ever go back there again.
    So how many places should I avoid due to shady practices before I just give up and kms?
    Just lay down and die ?

    Lol what kind ok soft men are you to be run off by crooks so you go on welfare ? Really ?
    Last edited by blacksteel; 08-05-2014 at 09:46 PM.

  21. #37
    blacksteel started this thread.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bigburtchino View Post
    It's a good dream, "I do what I want" truly a dream. If your like me, you do what has to be done and thankful that you had the opportunity to do that!
    I'm like me. I don't dream I do . Ask e wasted . I drove up twice. First heavy with telecom.

    God provides. I have faith and I put in daily work. Doing at times 4 to 7 jobs a day . Average 3 to 4 . It's real . It's not a dream. See what I pull in tomorrow you would wake straight up ; cha ching .I no longer work because my business works me...... and l love it. Since 2006. Oct.

  22. #38
    ScrappinRed's Avatar
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    ...I think what we've got here is a failure to communicate...
    ~You have to start somewhere to get anywhere~

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  24. #39
    blacksteel started this thread.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ScrappinRed View Post
    ...I think what we've got here is a failure to communicate...
    No. I was clear about my intentions and why. Some contribute or are reluctant to contribute when some attack anything constructive. Offering jokes and snipes to derail a thought. A idea not their own. Sad just hate and lowering one self to a slave. Is equal treatment so vile ? Ask Jimmy hoffa. SMH why some impede progress. Idk it's sad.

  25. #40
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    scrappers bill of rights aka scrappers rights

    scrapping Is the poor mans stock market. Hored or be *****d.

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