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  1. #41
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanw View Post
    I would suggest talking to the planning department of your city before proceeding any further with setting this up on your property.
    +1 on that...Doubt they are going to let you have a commercial gig on a residential property. You already have the EPA making inquiries so you are "above the radar".

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  2. #42
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by KzScrapper View Post
    +1 on that...Doubt they are going to let you have a commercial gig on a residential property. You already have the EPA making inquiries so you are "above the radar".
    Quote Originally Posted by ryanw View Post
    I would suggest talking to the planning department of your city before proceeding any further with setting this up on your property.
    Town office said I could as long as I paid for the proper permits and didn't let it impact the neighborhood - heck, the guy that lives next door uses his property to do auto work for people. He's always selling used tires.

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  4. #43
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    So what is the city and your neighbors going say when 10,000 CRT's show up at your house?

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    logansryche started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimicrk View Post
    So what is the city and your neighbors going say when 10,000 CRT's show up at your house?
    City won't say anything, neighbor might ask for one. I wouldn't expect 10,000 crts to show up on my doorstep until all paperwork and stuff has been taken care of first.


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  8. #45
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  10. #46
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    If you have that much faith in Nulife, why not apply for a job doing sales for them?
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  12. #47
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ewasted View Post
    If you have that much faith in Nulife, why not apply for a job doing sales for them?
    Why is it I'm the only one that does? Why is it I'm the only one who's trying to come up with solution after solution to one of our countries major problems? If I'm not it sure feels like it.
    Last edited by logansryche; 01-09-2015 at 03:22 PM.

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  14. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by logansryche View Post
    Why is it I'm the only one that does? Why is it I'm the only one who's trying to come up with solution after solution to one of our countries major problems? If I'm not it sure feels like it.
    Its a global problem. I commend you for your concerns. But the science just is not there. Its a nasty process, harmful to the people who work in the industry. Its,in my opinion, one of the worst technology's we've had. On top of that you have the epa that just love's having an issue with anything they can find. Crt's are a thing of the past . In my opinion the epa is struggling for funds like every other government agency. Do some more research. Crt's stored create no environmental problems. Its all hype.

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  16. #49
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    Another thing as soon as the grant money runs it so will Nu Life

  17. #50
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by junkfreak View Post
    Its a global problem. I commend you for your concerns. But the science just is not there. Its a nasty process, harmful to the people who work in the industry. Its,in my opinion, one of the worst technology's we've had. On top of that you have the epa that just love's having an issue with anything they can find. Crt's are a thing of the past . In my opinion the epa is struggling for funds like every other government agency. Do some more research. Crt's stored create no environmental problems. Its all hype.
    I'd have to disagree - I find CRTs to be clearer then any lcd tv, and it seems everyone's missing the point. My solution takes care of CRTs. If NuLife had their business set up like Ben Weitsman then everyone would be taking their CRTs there, but they don't - they have tubes trucked in and their smelted down. They have more control over the process this way. They also have all the paperwork they need to operate in the state of NY and satisfy the EPA. Now, on my end all I technically need is EPA registration but I handle more then just CRTS - I handle fridges, stoves, a/c's, etc.. so HVAC equipment is needed. To handle everything more effeciently I need a building which requires a building permit. I need a fence to keep nosey neighbors away and need a building permit for that also. My point is, I see the positives while it seems everyone's seeing the negatives. If I don't achieve help from here that's fine, as I said before: I'll get the permits and necessary equipment I need in time.

    Quote Originally Posted by junkfreak View Post
    Another thing as soon as the grant money runs it so will Nu Life
    Not following.

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  19. #51
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    Oh I agree, the picture on CRTs is great. But, we never considered the waste issue. I say store them until we figure out how to properly recycle them. U really think that any company, in this country, that is recycling crt's is not being funded by our tax $$

  20. #52
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by junkfreak View Post
    Oh I agree, the picture on CRTs is great. But, we never considered the waste issue. I say store them until we figure out how to properly recycle them. U really think that any company, in this country, that is recycling crt's is not being funded by our tax $$
    True, I suppose if we did foresee this issue they possibly would have sped up production on LCDs, and no, I don't - it was explained to me that NuLife is funded by sale of lead and glass. Lead goes to battery mfgrs and glass goes to blowers(I explained this in a post once). I don't share the government paranoia you seem to have. You know what a few hundred tons of lead and glass are going for? Lots. I foresee my profit in either selling to the buyers on here or ebay, but have next to nothing worth turning in so no profit for the moment(though testing the waters on ebay currently).

    Last edited by logansryche; 01-09-2015 at 04:30 PM.

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  22. #53
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    They had LCDs in the 80s, they weren't profitable to make, plus everyone was set up for crt. Kinda like the electric car, sure it's better long term, but the jobs, income, and taxes that would be lost by not using gas would be disastrous.

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  24. #54
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    Paranoia, no.its experience. But I get your concerns. I have them also. We can dig a hole and dispose of nuclear waste! But oh no ,don't store crt's more than a year. Maybe one day I'll read about how a man from NY solved the CRT problem. But to me ,I would never work in a plant that processes crt's now.People are more important than plants.

  25. #55
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by junkfreak View Post
    Paranoia, no.its experience. But I get your concerns. I have them also. We can dig a hole and dispose of nuclear waste! But oh no ,don't store crt's more than a year. Maybe one day I'll read about how a man from NY solved the CRT problem. But to me ,I would never work in a plant that processes crt's now.People are more important than plants.
    I'm glad you have your priorities where they are - I wouldn't work in a plant either. It is my long-term eventual goal to help central NY clean up their ewaste problems. Right now my goal is to get up and running lol.


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  27. #56
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    Your a good man Matt, and I've enjoyed our banter. God help us all. We've created this problem it's up to us to figure it out. Frankly, I don't know what the answer is. But I do know I have the ability to store at least a million until science catches up. The epa is no longer our friends. They are a bureaucracy dedicated to self preservation.

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  29. #57
    logansryche started this thread.
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    As have I, seems every agency's out for itself nowadays. Hell, most Americans are looking out for themselves and giving everyone else the bird. I don't blame them though, we've dug ourselves into a hole we can't get out of.

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  31. #58
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    What concerns me with the idea is if NuLife goes under for some reason. Then, you have a commodity that's hazardous, requires permits to cross state lines, and will still be a burden to dispose of.

    And, that it's a business idea based off of trying to minimize the losses on a certain product. That doesn't jive in my books.

    I'm for responsible CRT recycling, but this is what usually happens with places that take CRTs:

    Stone Castle Recycling in trouble in all three locations

    Wyoming company shutters, leaving question marks and glass | Resource Recycling

    Tatooine Dumping Leaded Glass Into Local Landfills Illegally, Workers Say

    This is why I tend to be a bit sceptical.

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  33. #59
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    These four companies, along with NuLife Glass, all participated in a session at the E-Scrap 2014 conference. It was about global CRT processing landscape. All have different techniques of recycling CRT glass.

    Electronics Recycling, E-waste Recycling, CRT Recycling | Kuusakoski Recycling US | Kuusakoski | Recycling

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    Last edited by HiTechMike; 01-09-2015 at 05:24 PM.

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  35. #60
    logansryche started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by matador View Post
    What concerns me with the idea is if NuLife goes under for some reason. Then, you have a commodity that's hazardous, requires permits to cross state lines, and will still be a burden to dispose of.

    And, that it's a business idea based off of trying to minimize the losses on a certain product. That doesn't jive in my books.

    I'm for responsible CRT recycling, but this is what usually happens with places that take CRTs:

    Stone Castle Recycling in trouble in all three locations

    Wyoming company shutters, leaving question marks and glass | Resource Recycling

    Tatooine Dumping Leaded Glass Into Local Landfills Illegally, Workers Say

    This is why I tend to be a bit sceptical.
    I get what you're saying but for NuLife to close up, their HQ in the UK would have to go up. I just don't see it happening. It feels to me that business or organizations that take on CRTs do so thinking there's profit in it and when they realize there isn't, they keep stockpiling until the lease is up or they go out of business or some other issue and they cut and run. I wouldn't emphasize so much about a company or organization unless I did the research and 110% believe in what their doing. It's one of the reasons why I could never be a telemarketer - I can't sell someone on a product I personally don't believe in. It's also one of the reasons why I enjoyed doing support for Roadrunner when they had a center in Sgt. Bluff, people had issues with their net and 98% of the time I could get them back online while sharing a story or two. Customers love a personal connection, something that's not robotic or formatted.

    Quote Originally Posted by HiTechMike View Post
    These four companies, along with NuLife Glass, all participated in a session at the E-Scrap 2014 conference. It was about global CRT processing landscape. All have different techniques of recycling CRT glass.

    Electronics Recycling, E-waste Recycling, CRT Recycling | Kuusakoski Recycling US | Kuusakoski | Recycling
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    I didn't see NuLife Glass( mentioned anywhere but yes - it was explained to me that their process is similar to how the Corning House of Glass works.
    Last edited by logansryche; 01-09-2015 at 05:27 PM.

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