Originally Posted by
Yeah that's 27 grand a year , not including employees and paying to have the tubes recycled . I have a local outlet for my tubes . So I would not be interested in shipping gaylords at this time . But I do have a few questions that might explain the perks .
What do you need from a partner ? A building , box truck, capital for expenses ?
What happens when broken tubes show up at your door ? Bound to happen shipping in gaylords ?
What can you offer in return ?
I'm far away and having access to a shop 500 miles away does not appeal to me , I also have a outlet for TVs,monitors . If I were to ship them to you , half of the metal would not reimburse my shipping expenses . So I'm thinking what would be the return on investment / pros to being a partner with you . I don't want to sound rude but the idea of a shop 100s of miles away that I'm helping fund does me about as much good as someone naming a star after me . I'm probably looking at it diffrent since I'm far from you . But with the help of the locals in your area . I could see you achieving this goal whether this year or next .
Good luck on your continued success thanks
I understand where you're coming from and hope to answer your questions. First and foremost, Rycon Dismantling is 3 employees: Myself, my brother-in-law and my wife. My wife handles the finances and balances the books while my brother-in-law and I go out and get the electronics being dismantled.
I have two options when it comes to continue to base Rycon Dismantling out of my house. Both will require building permits and some sort of box van/cargo van. The first is to build a structure that's 57' x13' off my driveway. This would have room for 8 gaylords for CRTs. It wouldn't cost me anything to build it as I'd be building it completely out of pallets.
The second would be to use the basement of the house. While the second option is larger(haven't measured out how much larger yet), I would need the additional cost of an external freight elevator, a door to the upstairs, a door for the outside, and a new hot water heater(or tankless heater). Walls/fixtures would again be made out of pallets and I would be able to handle 10+ pallets for CRTs.
In reguards to the questions you specifically asked me:
1. What do I need from a partner(s)? To help get Rycon Dismantling up and running. That's the purchase of a cargo/box van, all necessary licensing, and HVAC recovery equipment.
2. What happens when broken tubes arrive at your door? I'm still liable to send them to NuLife no matter what. If the tubes are packed correctly, that should limit breakage.
3. What can I offer in return? A garentee that CRTs sent to me that I send to NuLife aren't stockpiled and exported somewhere - it's why everyone in the US is so hell-bent on them being processing correctly. I don't want CRT glass to end up on foreign shores and I'm sure you don't either.
I did pass the idea around of what I'm trying to do for this area and those that did pay attention to me said they liked what I'm trying to do. Others said they didn't care and that if I was trying to help the community/area/this part of NY, I'd buy what their selling at retail price. Others said they wouldn't deal with me unless I had proper paperwork so it's another reason why I'm trying to push for help.