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New laws in effect at my yard Monday are going to be a PAIN in the buttinski!

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  1. #1
    newattitude started this thread.
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    New laws in effect at my yard Monday are going to be a PAIN in the buttinski!

    Its bad enough the bad weather and low prices have customers down but Monday is going to be horrible.

    We now have to scan a persons license before we can even deal with their scrap to make sure they aren't on a convicted felon ''do not buy'' list. Then we can process the scrap. Then we have to scan the license in again when typing in the list of scrap we bought. I think we have to also take photo's of some certain types of scrap.

    this means when someone automatically goes on the scale we have to stop what we are doing and go tell them whats what. It might not be too bad while we are slow but when we are busy its going to be a night mare. I suggested putting a sign in front of the scales so people can see whats going on but who knows if the suggestion will be taken to heart.
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

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  3. #2
    DevinThaScrapper's Avatar
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    Well, you can blame this on the people who steal scrap metal. At my yard you need to fill out a slip, fingerprint yourself, vehicle description, plate #, tons of other info. Maybe this will make people think twice before stealing scrap metal.

  4. #3
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    Sign of the times NA. Look at it this way, anything that helps protect the scrap yard means job security for you. The last thing you want happening is having you yard get closed down for receiving stolen property.
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    Scrap808's Avatar
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    I know that here in Hawaii they make a copy of your photo ID and you must sign for the scrap you brought before you are paid (they do it at the pay window as opposed to the scale). For copper it's an even bigger pain the butt; sellers need a notarized copper form claiming it is not stolen, buyers need a picture with ALL of the copper scrap, the seller, and the vehicle used to haul it with the license plate visible.

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    newattitude started this thread.
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    ^^Thats another thing, we have to write down plate numbers now as well. I know I'm gonna forget that. have to train the brain to remember lol.

  9. #6
    armygreywolf's Avatar
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    We already have a camera on my local yard's scale, I put my account number on the bug guard of the truck so I don't have to get out and have them run everything. Seems to be ok for now. I am having vinyl cut here in a week or so for the business name and truck number. I do have accounts with most of the yards I deal with regularly just because overall I hate waiting in lines and would rather receive a much larger check once every 30 days or so.

    Does this new law affect account holders too?

    Do you mean convicted felons who stole scrap or convicted felons in general...going to lose alot of business a fair shake of scrappers around here at least are felons...of one type or another. I don't have much issue with that, don't care what someone did in the past if they are trying to do good right now.

    Anyways, here in WI, license plates, drivers license, already required for pay out, most yards take that info BEFORE you weigh out, but not all. I can't help but wonder when WI will get the bright idea to regulate even more...
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    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    Here they write down your plate # and ask for i.d. , think they write down your drivers license number as well . I don't mind as I have nothing to hide . But recently they said no printers unless you beat them to the point they no longer resemble a printer . Kind of curious of your yards policy on them . I never thought twice as they are the only thing that has any filler on them that I take in , and it's usually minimum after removing the ink carts and boards .

    Like others said maybe this will help deter thieves , I like your idea for a sign .
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    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I'm like the others.

    They make copies of our ID's. Write down all Vehicle info(tag, make/model, etc), if you have copper they pay you for it with check, everything else they pay in cash. We have the fingerprint thing to at a couple of yards. All thanks to thieving jerks.

    It seems a pain now, but with time you guys will get a system down. My yards don't take ID till you cash out. At the scale I can see it causing a huge cluster pluck.

    Good luck an keep us updated!

    Sirscrapalot - The world is not fair, and often fools, cowards, liars and the selfish hide in high places. - Bryant H. McGill

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  15. #9
    logansryche's Avatar
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    I guess I'm the odd one out. Ben Weitsman doesn't ask for any of that. They have a person stand by the scale so they can judge what you have then radio the info to inside. I hope they don't go that route, I can see how that'd ruin an experience.

  16. #10
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    Here in Cal. they need a photo I.D., vehicle plate number, your thumb print, take a picture of you and your scrap. There could be a hold on any payment unless you have a account or frequent seller. Been this way for awhile now and thieves still try to sell stolen scrap!

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  18. #11
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    We have the ID thing here its been that way since I have been scrapping (3+ years). So to me its just part of the process it takes 5 sec. for them to process it we give it to the cash office attendant and they scan it in a little card reader. I guess it takes a pic of the card.
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    hobo finds's Avatar
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    44-1642. Records of purchase; transaction limitations; age requirement for scrap metal seller; exception

    A. Every scrap metal dealer shall keep on the business premises a book or other similar record legibly printed or written in ink, in the English language of each transaction involving the receipt of scrap metal. The record of each receipt of scrap metal shall include the following information:

    1. The date, time and place of the transaction.

    2. A photograph and an identifying description and weight of the specific scrap metal received.

    3. The dollar amount of the transaction.

    4. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the seller's name, physical description including gender, height, weight, race and eye and hair color, physical address, date of birth and signature and a photocopy of a current driver license, nonoperating identification license issued pursuant to section 28-3165 or photo identification card issued by a tribal government or the United States military. The scrap metal dealer must validate the recorded information by using the seller's current driver license, nonoperating identification license issued pursuant to section 28-3165 or photo identification card issued by a tribal government or the United States military. This paragraph does not apply to a seller who is exclusively selling aluminum beverage containers.

    5. The seller's transaction privilege tax number, if applicable.

    6. The number and state of issuance of the license on the vehicle used to deliver the scrap metal.

    7. A photograph, video record or digital record of the seller involved in the transaction.

    8. A right index fingerprint of the seller.

    B. The record and entries shall be retained in a book or similar record at the business premises for one year after making the final entry of any transaction and shall be retained either at the business premises or any other reasonably available location for an additional year. A scrap metal dealer's business premises, business records relating to scrap metal transactions, including a book or similar record prescribed by this section, and business inventory shall be open during regular business hours for reasonable inspection by a peace officer. Before an inspection shall take place a peace officer shall first identify himself and the purpose for the inspection to the scrap metal dealer, dealer's manager or other responsible person and comply with all reasonable and customary safety requirements of that scrap metal dealer for the business premises inspected. The scrap metal dealer may require the peace officer to sign an inspection log that includes the officer's name and serial or badge number and the time, the date and the purpose for the inspection.

    C. A scrap metal dealer shall not provide payment for any scrap metal on site at the time of the scrap metal transaction. Payment shall be made by mailing a check or money order to a physical address provided by the seller through a current driver license or other identification prescribed in subsection A, paragraph 4 of this section. The check or money order shall be made payable to the business name for an industrial account. This subsection:

    1. Except as provided in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of this subsection, only applies to industrial accounts, copper and aluminum wire with a diameter of at least three-eighths of an inch.

    2. Except as provided in paragraph 3 or 4 of this subsection, applies to all scrap metal transactions of three hundred dollars or more.

    3. Does not apply to industrial accounts if the industrial accounts annually preregister employees who are authorized sellers on behalf of the industrial accounts.

    4. Applies to all transactions involving air conditioner cooling coils, including industrial accounts, except that for these transactions a scrap metal dealer may give a seller on site a check made payable to an industrial account.

    D. A scrap metal dealer shall provide a receipt to the seller on site at the time of the scrap metal transaction, for every transaction, and shall include the following information:

    1. The date, time and place of the transaction.

    2. An identifying description and weight of the specific scrap metal received.

    3. The dollar amount of the transaction.

    E. A scrap metal seller may not conduct a series of transactions for one vehicle load of scrap metal to avoid the requirements of this section.

    F. A scrap metal seller shall not participate in more than one cash transaction per day for scrap metal.

    G. A scrap metal seller shall be at least sixteen years of age.

    H. This section does not apply to transactions involving materials consisting of a metal product in its original manufactured form that is composed of no more than twenty per cent by weight of nonferrous metal.

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  21. #13
    newattitude started this thread.
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    armygreywolf, we do not have account holders. Someone that came in today said something about a card at another yard, is that what you mean? Also, the wording on the paper notice they hung up states ''convicted felon'' but I looked up the new laws and its only supposed to be those convicted of theft so this seems discriminatory to me. I'll have to double check this with the boss Monday, he's been on vacation.

    It wouldn't be so bad if they could just scan at the end but they have to scan before we even do anything, thats where the hold ups are going to come in.

  22. #14
    DevinThaScrapper's Avatar
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    My yard buys from me and I'm 15. They pay for everything by check cash is not an option. If I owned a scrap yard I would for sure do check only, cash leaves the chance of being robbed.

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    sweetgirlscrapping's Avatar
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    My scrapyard has to have photo id, fingerprints and copy of business license showing that you are in the HVAC field, if you are scrapping HVAC units. I understand the scrapyard protecting themselves from receiving stolen metals, but it's irritating to know that I have to go through hoops and I have legitimate metal. There are many opportunities available to make money, and stealing is not one of them. Wish people around here realized that and the decent people wouldn't be punished.

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    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Sadly the bad apples ruin it for the rest of us that do it legit an the right way.

    Can't fix stupid. I've tried, it's like trying to hold river back with a wet noodle.

    Sirscrapalot - We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid. - Benjamin Franklin

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  28. #17
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    I choose to avoid all that...Nothing to hide, but I prefer CASH.
    The yard has cctv pointed at all drop off locations, not sure if this covers it?
    I could drive an extra 45 miles go through the process and get a penny or two more per lb...Nahhh
    NA If my yard were to change policy's it would be nice to know at the entrance, not the scale...but that's just me and the long rutted dirt road into the yard.
    Like the superstar employee you are, great idea for making things run a little smoother
    Last edited by NHscrapman; 01-31-2015 at 05:32 PM.
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  30. #18
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    ID, plate # and cameras everywhere. Overhead camera automatically takes a pic of any non-ferrous item that goes on the scale...but on the plus side if there is a mistake in grading that I don't catch all I have to do is call my Buyer and he pulls up the pic and changes the grade if need be.
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  32. #19
    armygreywolf's Avatar
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    Yea, definitely want to check with the bossman before quoting or posting any law. If a place of business doesn't POST somewhere where the public can read it that they the business has the right to refuse service for any reason then there's a possibility of litigation.

    I have to keep pictoral and inventory records now of incoming scrap, locals, pickups, packages...I am wondering more and more if I am breaking the law accepting out of state scrap without a copy of a government ID. No real clarity on that on our law books.

    NA- What I meant was business to business scrappers, like wrecking yards, heating and cooling companies...people who might have an account of sorts with your yard. When someone comes in and says to put it on so and so's account, or an account number. To get an account I already provided identification, all the vehicles make/model plate numbers, names of the people who are allowed to bring scrap under my account and so on. It's held for 45 days I believe then paid. So every time I get an ACH deposit it's on scrap that's 2 to 3 months old already.

    Either way, I am actually a little surprised the yard you work at isn't already doing this stuff. There are ways to make it faster, generally speaking encourage CB use, take advantage of our habits. Computer systems should record all the information and save it after the first time so if you have certain software, it'll get easier once the regulars fill out their information, then its just a matter of an ID swipe. I do hope it goes smoothly after you've had a chance to work out kinks this next week.

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  34. #20
    newattitude started this thread.
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    Ahhhh ok no, it does not have an effect those.

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