I recently came upon about 20 older dot matrix printers. They had an easy to get mainboard and a decent transformer, and these heads, which were put up until winter weather got me inside for a bit.
These were from various dot matrix printers
You can see a couple of the little boards peeking out of there
These little rascals are encased in some very strong magnets, possibly rare earth
This is the dot matrix. Electrical impulses force the pins rapidly through an alignment tip, onto a ribbon cartridge, and into the paper (like a type writer)
Signals are sent through this tiny board on the matrix, activating an electrical magnetic charge, forcing the pins to strike a dot onto the page. Some of these tiny boards were gold, although most were silver
The boards pry right off of the matrix head with a small flat screwdriver
Once I got to the main bunch, and began an assembly line process, it moved along rather quickly
Well, this is what I got out of the bunch, a couple tiny piles of small boards, and some aluminum
This is the pile of larger boards from in the heads, the whole bunch weighs 2 ounces
Plus these smaller ones(which I didn't even bother to weigh ; )
I'll conclude this in a following post