We just had a derecho storm move through the area a couple of days ago. Not as bad as last year but some people did lose power. And then when it got restored, people had power surges. I talked to two people who had trouble with their computers and electronics. Then last night I picked up an XBOX 360 from the nearby dump. The power supply shows orange, the console does not turn on. Maybe just the PS got fried...
So dumpster diving after storms with widespread loss of power might be a good idea
Speaking of the PS: this is a power brick model hp-aw203ef3 with 6-"prong" power cable (as shown
here for example). I thought testing it with a multimeter would be easy. I tried attaching the probes to different pairs of prongs and always got 0. Maybe it is indeed fried, or maybe I am doing it wrong? What's the right way to test a PS like that?