The first two in the middle are by far very easy to do. Cut or pull the steel pins off of the copper wire. These type are very common, there will be four steel pins, two pins for each side of the transformer. Do not smash these type or break the ferrite, only makes it harder. The copper is wound on plastic wheels, use needle nose pliers, grab one end of a copper wire, holding the transformer in the other hand, pull the copper wire with the pliers. It should just "spin" the wire off of the first section. Now do the same thing with the second half of the transformer. You should get a decent amount of wire from these types, very easy, there's no tape to mess with and no reason to smash the $hit out of them (unless you just need too!). I just leave the white plastic wheel and black plastic on the ferrite core and toss the rest of the transformer in my shred bucket. Copper wire is 20 AWG and goes in #2 copper bucket. Some yards will even take it as #1 copper.