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Metal Detecting

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  1. #1
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    I got a Treasure Cove. I know nothing about metal detectors. It had good reviews. Looking forward to going out with the kids and finding some treasure.

  2. #2
    ComputerScrapper started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by j&jscrap View Post
    I got a Treasure Cove. I know nothing about metal detectors. It had good reviews. Looking forward to going out with the kids and finding some treasure.
    You have a good machine....I am sure that you will find a lot of great stuff with that machine.

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  4. #3
    ComputerScrapper started this thread.
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    I wanted to offer a little trick that my wife and I have come up with....If you happen to have an old rock tumbler sitting around (or you can pick one up pretty cheap on the internet) you can use it to clean your modern coins.....We found out that banks (especially in Indiana) are pretty picky about dirty coins being brought in because they say it jams up their machine....So we take out the rock tumbler, toss in the coins, a little Comet and some water and let them tumble overnight. By morning they are nice and clean and ready to cash in.

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  6. #4
    Insanity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ComputerScrapper View Post
    I wanted to offer a little trick that my wife and I have come up with....If you happen to have an old rock tumbler sitting around (or you can pick one up pretty cheap on the internet) you can use it to clean your modern coins.....We found out that banks (especially in Indiana) are pretty picky about dirty coins being brought in because they say it jams up their machine....So we take out the rock tumbler, toss in the coins, a little Comet and some water and let them tumble overnight. By morning they are nice and clean and ready to cash in.
    Keep in mind though, if you're taking it back to the bank then this is ok. If you take it to a coin shop or try and sell it though, don't clean it.

  7. #5
    ComputerScrapper started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Insanity View Post
    Keep in mind though, if you're taking it back to the bank then this is ok. If you take it to a coin shop or try and sell it though, don't clean it.
    Right, anything old and valuable should never be cleaned. We use the rock tumbler for modern clad coinage only.

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