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What I'm Planning for my Catylitc Converters. - Page 2

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  1. #21
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    For those of you that have never seen the insides of a catalytic converter, the biscuit is called honey comb looking at the ends you can see why.

    Usually there are two biscuits inside the converter, the biscuit nearest the engine which would be the smallest one will have rhodium in the wash coat along with palladium and any platinum that maybe present. The manufacture of catalytic converters dips the comb into a precious metals bath leaving a wash coat which adheres to the combs porous structure.

    It's been said that if you laid out all the surface area of one catalytic converter comb it would cover the expanse of a football field, this shows you how sparsely they have been coated with precious metals.

    Due to the expense of rhodium there are no rhodium only catalytic converters.

    The pair of small catalytic converters shown are the new mesh type, this pair is the first I have ever obtained so can not comment. Other than to say gee they're sure small compared to the older cats.

    The pile of cats in the last picture are what I have recovered from the scrap cars I have hauled over the past 7 weeks. I cut them open last evening with the plasma., later I will pull the comb out then into the ball mill.

    Last edited by gustavus; 11-01-2011 at 09:46 PM.

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