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So anyone that has read my hello post will know the first time I went to the yard I felt ripped off!!!! but being a determine person I didn’t let this put me off carried on collecting and stripping, then today went to a different yard, well the difference at this yard was amazing theses guy explained everything to me as quick as they could but good enough for me to understand. There was signs everywhere helping you for your 1st time it was brilliant at the yard, they was very friendly and jokey people felt so much better than the last place, I didn’t take all my load in case I thought I was being ripped off like the last place but I am very happy with my new found yard a few more miles than my local yard but much better process and felt loads more comfortable even though I had to queue to get in but maybe the fact I had to queue to get in is the good sign of a good yard? now I feel really excited because this yard made me realize my mistakes on stripping and how to deal with things properly I can now see myself getting further and further into this game and when I got home went back to stripping now very excited because I know and understand more thanks to anyone that has given me advice to get me started or make me think of a way to increase my money
You will find yards like that everywhere. My yard thankfully is not only the biggest, but also the most friendliest as well.
Unfortunately, there is only 2 workers still there from when I started recycling stuff. But to get to my point, I will have the workers come over to me (not knowing that I have been doing this for 3+ years) and tell me what I should tear down. I tell them that I have full intentions to.. Sometimes I will place stuff off my trailer to get to other things and then put them back on.
Then you will have other yards who will not say anything and pray that your to dumb and stupid to realize there is more $$$ to be made by breaking things down.
Like today, my wife's uncle and I, kept a small air conditioning unit on our trailer, and I am sure I got looks for it. What they dont realize, is that there is a copper radiator in it. Doesn't look like it has one, but it does. So I will be getting cut over the weekend.
What I sometimes will do, is call 2 two different places for my non ferrrous. Sometimes the metal yard is the same as the non ferrous buyer near me, and sometimes they are not.
if you call them to find out pricing, most of them just tell you straight.