Originally Posted by
if the mower and chainsaw are old ones, you'll probably need to pull the flywheel, and file and adjust the points, or maybe replace them
sometimes even just a new plug will solve that
Sometimes, what happens here, is. Pulling the flywheel will fix it!
What actually happens is, I'm using the lawnmower, I hit something & stall it, it never runs right after that.
Or, I hit something & it slows the engine down a lot & it never runs right after that. Or, it runs, but next time dosn't run right, or runs bad when the fuels low.
OK, Confused? I hit something & the blade stopped going around, the flywheel, 'couse its heavy, wants to keep going, but the stupid little 'woodruff key' (I don't like them...) stops it spinning on the shaft.
So the flywheel moves around a little, that mucks up the timing, the mower never runs right after that.
Take the flywheel off, actually just loosen the nut, give the flywheel a wiggle so its sitting in the middle of the 'slack' that the woodruff key gives it, tighten it up a bit, start it up.