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Old vidieo games to watch for

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  1. #1
    freonjoe started this thread.
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    Old vidieo games to watch for

    Was reading an article about collecters buying old vidieo games and was amazed at the prices some of them bring!

    1. "Nintendo Campus Challenge '91"
    Format: Nintendo Entertainment System
    Highest price ever paid: $20,100

    Before Sundays spent playing "Madden" in a suite's common room or reading days wasted picking off dorm mates in "Goldeneye," there was Nintendo's "Campus Challenge."

    Back in 1991, Nintendo went to to college campuses across America with 30 special cartridges that gave players six minutes to rack up a high score on "Super Mario 3," "Pin-Bot" and "Dr. Mario." If students could fight through fatigue, hunger or ADD long enough to produce their school's best score, they moved on to a national competition.

    Apparently, though, some notoriously sticky-fingered students came away with parting gifts. Nintendo supposedly destroyed all the competition's cartridges, but one was found at a garage sale in New York. It has been sold to several different collectors, with the highest recorded price being $20,100. If that cartridge survived, that means someone else's old roommate may have swiped one during a moment of clarity. Time to drop some queries to your old classmates on Facebook. Don't accept "Dave's not here, man" as an answer.

    This is just one example to look for.
    The entire article:

    $20,000 for a retro video game? - 1 - - MSN Money

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    parrothead's Avatar
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    Sooooooo rare it is insane, but just one more reason to check E-bay before scrapping most everything.
    "64K should be enough for anybody." - Bill Gates 1981

  4. #3
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    Wished I had a dozen of those to sell, could take a year off with that much lettuce.
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  5. #4
    Bamcis is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Yeah, I watched a video on youtube not too long ago highlighting the top ten rare video games, and I believe Campus Challenge 91 was number one on the list. The only downside I believe was that pretty much all but maybe one or two copies were accounted for. I've posted the link for the video below, if anybody is interested in watching.

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    jghilino's Avatar
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    Actually a lot of the old n64 games are going up in price, i am seeing anywhere from $10-$100 each.

  8. #6
    Bamcis is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by jghilino View Post
    Actually a lot of the old n64 games are going up in price, i am seeing anywhere from $10-$100 each.
    Really... I'll have to check that out. I do see some of those sold on the cheap from time to time at pawn shops and yard sales. Are there any in particular that are of value?
    Last edited by Bamcis; 10-27-2012 at 08:40 PM.

  9. #7
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    Role playing games are always a favorite. In addition the Mario series of games continue to sell well. I was selling used video games at fleamarkets and the harder to find games I would bid on 10-15 auctions for the same game. If I won one I was happy, and if I won more I was happier. The key for me was to set a max bid of the same amount with consideration to shiping and could count on winning at least one. There were times when the bidding would get silly and people would bid higher than a buy now auction available at the same time. Its like most other things that are collectable you need to know the market and current value. Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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    Bamcis is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    Role playing games are always a favorite. In addition the Mario series of games continue to sell well. I was selling used video games at fleamarkets and the harder to find games I would bid on 10-15 auctions for the same game. If I won one I was happy, and if I won more I was happier. The key for me was to set a max bid of the same amount with consideration to shiping and could count on winning at least one. There were times when the bidding would get silly and people would bid higher than a buy now auction available at the same time. Its like most other things that are collectable you need to know the market and current value. Mike.
    Hmm.. I'll have to keep my eyes open, but off the top of my head, I don't recall any particular RPGs for the N64. I know the Final Fantasy series was popular, but they were primarily Super NES and Playstation. I'll do a little more research. Regarding the online auctions, that's something I haven't quite delved into yet. It looks promising, but I haven't worked up the courage to just dive right in.

    On a separate note, I notice that you live in J-ville. Do you ever find anything interesting on the Lejeune Yard Sales website?

  12. #9
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    On a separate note, I notice that you live in J-ville. Do you ever find anything interesting on the Lejeune Yard Sales website?[/QUOTE]

    Yes I did use Lejeune Yard Sale extensively when I was selling video games and othe used stuff at the flea market, far more than Craigs List. I have found it. Lejeune Yard Sales, far less productive in producing computer scrap than Craigs List.

    There are just a couple of Role Playing games in the N64 system, one was a Mario game but I don't recall the others. Mike

  13. #10
    Bamcis is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    Yes I did use Lejeune Yard Sale extensively when I was selling video games and othe used stuff at the flea market, far more than Craigs List. I have found it. Lejeune Yard Sales, far less productive in producing computer scrap than Craigs List.

    There are just a couple of Role Playing games in the N64 system, one was a Mario game but I don't recall the others. Mike
    Ah. Well in the event that I ever make it back out there, I'll have to check the site out. I figure that site along with the J-ville Craigslist page would be a pretty good source of various low price items considering that there are always Marines coming and going from that place. I wouldn't buy a used vehicle out there, though. I've seen way too many LCpls with no sense buy brand new cars and try to soup them up or repair them on their own without professional assistance and end up ruining an otherwise perfectly good car.

  14. #11
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    zelda gold games for original nintendo sell real well too.

  15. #12
    ParkerFlyer4's Avatar
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    I have a large collection of Super Nintendo games (100+). I have done some research, and I have many games that are going for $200+. I could probably individually sell each game, and make a few thousands. But I will hang onto them longer, as my kid (age6) is enjoying them now.

    Its crazy. You can download all these games for free online, But people want to pay big bucks for the 'real thing.'

    Here is a good example:
    10 bid on this already:
    Earthbound Super Nintendo SNES Complete with Box Players Guide Packaging 045496830434 | eBay
    Last edited by ParkerFlyer4; 10-28-2012 at 07:56 AM.

  16. #13
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    Bamcis those Marines today have so much more money than I had that they buy new cars mostly. Mike.

  17. #14
    Bamcis is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    Bamcis those Marines today have so much more money than I had that they buy new cars mostly. Mike.
    Yeah, this is true, but the point that I was trying to make was that they pretty much ruin their brand new cars by tweaking the engines and stuff in ways that they were not supposed to be tweaked; then after the car doesn't run worth a crap, they try to sell them.... usually because they can't afford to keep up with their car payments. And for some reason, they all want to buy Mustangs. On any given Saturday, you can stand on the sidewalk on Western, and every third or fourth car will be a brand new Mustang driven by a Marine.

    Marines do make more nowadays than they used to, but we get so many young ones coming in that were never taught a thing about managing their money and end up digging themselves into financial holes because of it... I can't begin to count the number of briefings and classes on financial management that I've either attended myself or had to give to younger Marines.

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