Being located in South Florida air conditioning is a necessity not a luxury.We do quite a few units and some of them are in good shape.we started putting the units that looked good on the side,not being a a/c tech I got one of the tech,s that work for a customer to come at night and check them out.s good percentage of the units were fine,ok so why should I scrap them when I could sell them,we'll I put a ad on Craig's list used a/c,s the phone has not stopped ringing I sell at least one unit a day,on Saturday two or three,I sell the condensers for 250.00 2,3, and four ton the five ton,s 350.00(the five ton trans have aluminum coils) air handlers sell for 100.00-150.00 so I get about 3x the scrap value,they do take up some room but I can deal with it.electric condenser motors and compressors also sell well motors I sell for 35.00 and compressors 75.00-100.00 just thought I would pass this on.this can be done on a small or large scale.