For me it's rather simple..
I don't compromise what I believe in for no man, or profit. Take it as you will. I choose not use them, cause ya know..nice thing about life..we always got a choice. I don't agree with how they treat sellers, I don't like their fee's( i got enough hands in my pocket, I don't need theirs to.), an they just don't fit for me, at this stage of the game. I got enough on my plate, an am more then happy with the money I bring in.
An Last I checked..your free to run your business your way just like the rest of us. You'd rather deal with ebay an buyers, I'd rather just sell my stuff an move on, or save what I'm saving for having toll refined. At the end of the day you need to be happy with your choices. I am with mine.
My van is paid, car is paid, house bills are taken care of, we can afford to go on vacations every year, an me an mine are happy. At the end of the day, that's all that matters to me. You don't have to like, or love me or my opinions, an you can hate on me for not using eBay all day, but at lest you know where I stand. Hopefully you can respect my choices, just as I respect yours.
I wish you continued success over there, an to others who choose to use them. As for me..I removed my ebay rose colored glasses long ago. An I'm quite happy with my choice. Once again..YMMV.
Your still welcome to enjoy the beverages from my cooler tho.
Great thing about this forum, we can all agree to disagree an still be friends, or lest I hope that's still the case.
Disclaimer : No offense is meant with this post, just my honest to god no bs opinion an answer. If you expected otherwise, you've asked on the wrong forum.
Sirscrapalot - Important principles may, and must, be inflexible. - Abraham Lincoln