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Reasonable Price Of Large Equipment ?

| More than Scrap Value
  1. #1
    RLS0812 started this thread.
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    Reasonable Price Of Large Equipment ?

    I am looking at some abandon logging equipment ( still in the woods ), and am wondering on what a good "price" would be.
    There are some parts that can be removed, cleaned up, and resold .

    I am figuring 5% over the local scrap price for #2 steel (dirty) ( $160 per ton ).

    Any suggestions ?

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  3. #2
    sawmilleng's Avatar
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    My comments are assuming you have taken care of the ownership aspect and whomever you are talking to is the legal owner.

    Are you looking for ideas for what to offer for the equipment? If so, you need to be very careful and know if the landowner will allow you to pull it apart where it sits or whether he wants it GONE, before you do anything with it. If you need to get a lowbed into the area and hire a dozer or excavator to help you push it on the lowbed it means you are facing lots of up front money to get that equipment. And, of course, the heavier it is the bigger the iron you need to hire to manhandle it.

    Do you have a place to dump the stuff so you can work on parting it out?

    I would suggest that sitting in the bush it wouldn't be worth very much at all....'way less than scrap, anyway. Unless it is new enough to part out for real money.

    What is the equipment? Skidders, dozers, loaders, log trucks, excavators? Brands? Some brands, like Cat, have better resale value than others. Age? An older excavator like a Case/Drott might look good but they are first or second generation stuff that is stone age to what the contractors use now. Not necessarily totally a lost cause but you have to find a farmer or someone who wants a machine for cheap that can afford the time to fix old stuff.

    I'm not saying don't go for it...just know your up front costs and what the going rate for heavy scrap is so you don't get blindsided when you make your offer. Maybe you can load it in the bush and take it straight to the scrap yard.

    Keep us posted!! Photos are a must!! I'm always interesting in old construction iron...I collect old bulldozers so my ears go up when I hear about old stuff in the bush.


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  5. #3
    RLS0812 started this thread.
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    There are 2 pieces that look like the were used to drag logs around - and 1 that has an arm attached to it and may have been used to load trucks.
    None of them are in great shape, however I believe I could salvage many parts from the equipment. ( If I had the time I'd tear down the engines to see if they were any good ).

    I offered the guy $3,300 for everything. I'm guesstimating the raw weight to be 30 tons - waiting for reply back.
    Last edited by RLS0812; 03-23-2014 at 02:49 PM.

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  7. #4
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    I would love to help you out but without pictures and manufacturers, it would be impossible. There are many auction sites that list the weight and value of used equipment that I would be happy to share with you if you PM me. The PM is not to get it from the general public, just to remind me of your post. Good luck to you.

  8. #5
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    Post pics! make sure of ownership and landowners permission in writing!I paid 3 times for some machines to end up actually having clear ownership.machines were new enough to have high resale,but also bank liens. Tread softly,try to sell before moving. Gotta have pics!!!!!!

  9. #6
    RLS0812 started this thread.
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    I do apologize - I do not have a working camera with me

    The property owner has countered my offer, saying he wants $23,000 .
    After some back and forth, he came down down to $18,000 - which is WAY too much IMHO .

    Oh well - I tried.

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