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Stuff crafters will buy / Etsy Thread - Page 7

| More than Scrap Value
  1. #121
    AtomBombBaby's Avatar
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    Love this thread - too right on keys and postcards, two of the things I collect outright.

    I would also recommend a little site called Listia, if you've not heard of it. It's basically a barter platform that works with a currency system of points. Good for trading random doodads for...other random doodads. You can purchase points for cash, do surveys, or just start listing items. I think they give you a certain amount just for signing up, IIRC. A lot of the sellers use it to offload lots of items that they have had trouble selling for cash on other fronts. Craft supplies, like those listed here, are widely available, both individually and in lots. Some sellers charge shipping, but most of it is usually shipped free, especially small things that mail easily. You can end up transferring the points to cash in a sense - things like gift cards, download codes (for games, etc), and postage stamps are big sellers. Play your cards right and you can end up at least replenishing the shipping supplies (stamps, envelopes, bubble wrap) you used to move the merchandise.

    I unloaded a big tupperware full of bottlecaps that I had been hoarding for some time for a good chunk of points, and have been buying all sorts of little odds and ends for my collections and crafts with them ever since, things which I would normally have passed up if I had to pay cash for them.

    There are lots of things like small electronics for sale, which you could essentially get for peanuts and might make a profit scrapping.

    Might not be useful for everyone here, but it's definitely an avenue to check out.
    Last edited by AtomBombBaby; 06-11-2016 at 04:20 AM.

  2. #122
    kustomcomposites's Avatar
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    lol i was just thinking the same thing, wish i had better internet, its spotty at best, so finding places to sell to other than local yards is more than hair pulling....

  3. #123
    kustomcomposites's Avatar
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    I made a Spyderco knife scale set for my brother out of pc boards, he's a software engineer and he loved it.

  4. #124
    junksable's Avatar
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    I just sold approximately 30lbs of steel rods from printers and other electronics. Had been saving for awhile and decided to list. The buyer was hoping they were stainless, and I think a few were, but she bought all of them anyway. Better than scrap and someone will re-purpose so a win/win.

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  6. #125
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    Do you have any idea of how many pianos I have thrown whole into the landfill???
    Quote Originally Posted by Jillyenator View Post
    Thanks, Sledge and Sir. I like things organized in one spot for easy retrieval.

    Also, wadarbr549 mentioned piano scrap: "sometimes the keys , pedals, and wood will bring good money on ebay..i have also resold some of the cast iron peg boards from the inside for good money, if they are ornate people will buy them"
    Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
    John Terrell (248) 224-2188
    Burly Guys Junk Removal LLC
    5499 Perry Drive Unit P Waterford, MI 48329

  7. #126
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    Are you still selling on Ebay?

    Quote Originally Posted by wadarbr549 View Post
    hello all, I sell tons of odd things on ebay..I get alot of it from my junk yard for 30 cents a pound.....i dont know how to post a link to my ebay id but if you search items by seller ( wadarbr54 ) and look under sold listings you can see some of the odd things ive the top of my head METAL MILK CRATES & plastic ones both sell good also metal pails ( i call them rod buckets ) old metal fishing stringers, any old enamel pots or bowls ( even if they have holes ) , wiping solder bars, solder, and scrap pewter..thats all off the top of my head.....these all sell fast for me

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  9. #127
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    I love revisiting the old threads and seeing what I've forgotten, or never knew!

  10. #128
    Ticonderoga's Avatar
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    I read the thread, even if it's old it still has some good info in it. One thing I didn't see was "Baby food jars w/ and w/o lids". I helped a crafter / hoarder move last year and she told me about the jars. Sure enough, I posted 100 of them on ebay and had 16 bids. Sold for over $100 for what I would of considered trash.

    Tide scoop cups also sold well for some reason. You just never know.

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