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  1. #1
    TJMETALRECYCLERS started this thread.
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    Overzealous scrapping can be hazardous to your wallet !!

    I know that this may seem like a "No-Brainer" to some of you, BUT, in our "zest" to "scrap" something, being overzealous can actually cost you GOOD profits.
    Prime example, recently I haul in 3 different riding mowers to the scrap yard. Lot of weight, PLUS the batteries and wires were pulled and sold extra.
    I was buying a load from another lady and asked her about this mower that was sitting there, and she said it was "locked up and wouldn't crank". I got it in my load.[paid $20 for all of it and sold the rest] I took the mower to a friend and withing a few minutes he had it up and running with NO PROBLEMS!
    I sold it today for $200.00.
    I got another one sold tomorrow for the same price and so far my expense to fix them were $80.00.
    I have a "Hobart Meat Scale" from a grocery store, BUT I didn't think it was all there and had already started "yanking the wires" when I said WHOA!! I have to do some rewiring BUT, if this thing works, I have me a digital scale for my business, or I could sell it.
    I got a "Pitching Machine" a couple of weeks ago in a scrap deal. It runs like a charm and guess what. With some modification, I will have a sweet running can crusher that will SHOOT them cans out.
    Just thought I would share some of what I am finding and the results when we step back and look "out of the box"!!
    Anybody else got something they want to share, I am sure we all would love to hear it.
    Good Luck!!

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  3. #2
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    yup, me and a buddy came up on a garage full of of mixed items, we each got a 26" ride cymbal for a drum kit out of the deal.... pure brass... he scrapped his for a couple bucks, i sold mine on ebay - even though it was cracked - for $120

    another time someone was throwing out two portable AC's... cleaned the filters, and everything else i could clean, and sold them on craigslist for 50$ each

  4. #3
    parrothead's Avatar
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    The 2 small Swiss made motors that I pulled a couple weeks ago. They may have weighed 6 oz each, but I got $20 for them on E-bay. Way better than throwing them in my motor/transformer bucket. I am sure that I will remember more in the coming days.

    I actually look for the resale value first before the scrap value. Then I evaluate the scrap value.

  5. #4
    rca987's Avatar
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    I always look at the resale value first on everything. If I can sell a folding chair for $2.00 at a garage sale, it's already better than the price of scrap. I usually pick up boxes of stuff people throw away, even if no metal in them. I've sold numerous items of eBay doing this. Boxes of crap are like treasure chests to me.

  6. #5
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rca987 View Post
    I always look at the resale value first on everything. If I can sell a folding chair for $2.00 at a garage sale, it's already better than the price of scrap. I usually pick up boxes of stuff people throw away, even if no metal in them. I've sold numerous items of eBay doing this. Boxes of crap are like treasure chests to me.
    And all the people said, "amen".

  7. #6
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    All common sense you have to determine what scrap is. If it is not scrap it is sale able. Other things you can get more for in scrap than resale. Also have to look at time and cash flow alot of scrappers don't have the time or ability to repair stuff safely for resale so you have to look at liability as well. If you sell that mower and a blade flies off you may be liable for that make sure you get a bill of sale that says as is. I don't sell riding mowers I put them in the yard even if they run because I am so busy I don't have time to fix them. But cudo's to you for making all the money you can now just get a pile of cat's together and give me a call.

  8. #7
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    The other day I was lucky enough to get 2 fridges. One is dead and the other still had the ice cubes in it!

    I took a pic and posted it on Craigslist and by the end of the weekend I sold it for $150... Plus I get to scrap the other one

  9. #8
    Silverbus's Avatar
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    I am new to this business (I consider it a "hobby") but I am learning that I am as much of a "dumpster diver" and reseller as a scrapper!

  10. #9
    junkdude1959's Avatar
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    Yup, you got that right...Keep coming back till ya are a knowledgebel swcrappert

  11. #10
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    I pick up quite a bit of stuff up at auctions and since I usually buy stuff in "lots" there are the things that I'm after and then the stuff that comes with it. Sometimes the things I was after are slow movers when it come to selling so I re-evaluate the other stuff and put it on Craigslist just to see what happens and more times then not, they sell. $5 bucks here and $10 bucks there, it adds up.

  12. #11
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    I've had mediocre experiences with craigslist. It takes me 10 phone calls and 2 reposts to sell something I figure I would get twice the price for on Ebay. So basically I either go to Ebay or the scrapyard to sell things.
    Glad to hear it works for you, though. Nice going!

  13. #12
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    I don't have much luck with selling on Craigslist either. Tons of tire kickers, flakes, dreamers and no money. But I still try. And if it doesn't sell it goes through a local auction online, or ebay.

  14. #13
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    I started having more replys and sales on craigslist when I began using photobucket for pictures, they are bigger and people are able to see the product better. I use Ebay as well for the higher end stuff but a good description with either is key. My kids got me hooked on texting and much of the communication is all texting and more convienent for me anyway.
    Last edited by KzScrapper; 04-22-2011 at 06:11 PM.

  15. #14
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    wanna score? when unloading onto steel pile at the yard, look at the pile. you see it?

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  17. #15
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    I had a couple of boxes of what most would say is junk given to me a couple weeks ago, and a couple of my buddies laughed when I told them I thought there was at least $100 bucks worth of stuff in there. They told me I was wasting my time trying to sell rusted old parts.

    Well, the house jacks brought $25 each, and a monster vise buried in the bottom brought in another $50. Then a couple pieces that I didn't have the first clue as to what they were brought in $10 each. A lot better than scrapping the stuff for 12 cents a pound.

  18. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duke Tegarden View Post
    I had a couple of boxes of what most would say is junk given to me a couple weeks ago, and a couple of my buddies laughed when I told them I thought there was at least $100 bucks worth of stuff in there. They told me I was wasting my time trying to sell rusted old parts.

    Well, the house jacks brought $25 each, and a monster vise buried in the bottom brought in another $50. Then a couple pieces that I didn't have the first clue as to what they were brought in $10 each. A lot better than scrapping the stuff for 12 cents a pound.
    Let 'em laugh. Keep on pocketing that cold, hard cash!

  19. #17
    Scraplogic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdahoScrapper View Post
    Let 'em laugh. Keep on pocketing that cold, hard cash!
    ... And ask them for their junk then don't need....and have them call you or grab for you when they see discarded metal. Tell 'em you enjoy your relaxing hobby. Don't gloat about the money you make. Just gloss over that and remind the buddies how cool they are when they help you make junk connections. Provide cold drinks once in a while in exchange for metal favors.

    Heck, I gave one buddy a multi-tool w/wire cutter 'cause he walks thru alleys a lot. He brings me wire and cans....'cause he knows I collect them. When we get together weekly, I buy the coffee. Sweet gig, that is.

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  21. #18
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    I don't tell those guys a thing! Way to much competition around here already. But even if I did brag a bit, they have them cool factory jobs getting $16 an hour changing light bulbs! So they are simply to good to break down a microwave or electric motor. I tell ya, I'd rather go without than work in a factory or warehouse. But selling at a flea market is just my thing! I think scrap is just the thing for us. Freedom to do as we please!

  22. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duke Tegarden View Post
    I don't tell those guys a thing! Way to much competition around here already. But even if I did brag a bit, they have them cool factory jobs getting $16 an hour changing light bulbs! So they are simply to good to break down a microwave or electric motor. I tell ya, I'd rather go without than work in a factory or warehouse. But selling at a flea market is just my thing! I think scrap is just the thing for us. Freedom to do as we please!
    Roger that. I've got a shop below my house. I walk down there, drink some coffee and start working. No phone calls, no hassles and work at my own pace. My previous business of 27 years all but folded and I dealt with clients on a constant basis. Some were very good and some not so good. I do enjoy the freedom of this business.

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