I remember the saying "A army walks on its boots" or something like that.
It started me thinking, one of the things that would be worth a lot in the future would be quality boots.
Not just any boots, but ankle covering, quality leather, thick layer soled hiker boots, with laces.
Any size would do if its for barter, just as long as they are quality, and cheap. Like second hand store $6 size 10's plus or such.
From reading a scifi book years ago, a running source of currency could be Silver or Gold wire.
At a set dia, a length can be cut off for any denomination.
By manufacturing this wire from scrap peices, with a embossed engraving down one side, a currency could be made as you, or 'they' would buy it from you as a reel of wire.
When they barter and end up with a bunch of short lengths, that people wouldn't trade with.
You step in and 'buy' their silver wire, melt it down, redraw it back into wire, emboss your 'mark' into its side, after taking your 'cut' as/ for your profit.
Because you are familiar with Silver and its makeup, and how to check its purity, and can make the wire, and emboss it.
You end up acting as the 'banker' and maker of currency. Huge profits.......