I don't know about Toros, but your basic Briggs and Stratton has a diaphragm in the carburetor which tears after many years. Once that's torn, it will be really hard to start and never run at full speed no matter how much you adjust the mix screw. They used to be easy to find at auto parts stores and hardware stores for about $3, but now days I can't seem to find them anywhere but
But get good spark first as the earlier poster wrote.
If there was any sense in the world, there'd be a good market for old mowers with the all steel deck, as opposed to the new ones with the plastic wheel mounts in front and sometimes rear. A year and a half of bouncing over terrain, and the wheels break off, no matter the condition of the engine.
I'm still using a Monkey Wards mower. A couple of years ago I spent close to what a new one would cost at the welder to fix a crack in the deck where the handle mounts, because I know I'll get another 20+ years out of this mower, but one of those new ones won't last out the decade.