I have found that if you have two or more of something, its usefull.
For instance. I''m a welder.
Gimme a welder, a 9 inch grinder and some other steel tube and some wood and some long narly looking bed bolts and a fridge compressor and a old gas bottle and I have a full size replica of a Cannon.
Gimme a old
freon bottle, parts off the actual fridge compressor, a large spring (The welder etc) and I have a 'Porky the pig' letterbox.
Ditto for 'Daisy the cow' letterbox.....
Motorbike motor etc, trampoline frame, wheels, odd car parts. Gokart or beach buggy. Tie in two spacesaver wheels for the buggy. Use the rear swingarm (cut in 1/2 lengthwise) and the shocks for front suspension.
Cut up a large pressed steel oil heater for treadplate (drill the spotwelds out, cut round edges)
Odd wood, bike rims, plastic sheet, garden tunnelhouse or with chicken wire for a chicken run.
Trampoline frame, plastic sheet, = garden greenhouse.
Washing MC motor & gearbox and gas bottle, = rock polisher, metal polisher.
Two used (or 3) bullet shells. = weed pipe (don't larf, its legal somewhere and I have made hundreds and hundreds of them. = $thou$and$. Google image eesakiwi to see one somewhere.)
Actually. google image 'nut bolt pipe'. I invented that. I betyah if you walk into the right shop in any city in the world (almost) you will find a copy of it.
Flatscreen Tv with the screen and board removed, but leaving the backlight and power supply, plus some certain motherboards. = attractive wall feature = $$$. google them too, not mine, but someones dun it... And made money from it too.