Originally Posted by
these sell for between 2 and 5 thousand dollars new, there HAS to be some resale value there.
That was my thought, too, but the batts alone cost between $30-100, each, and then you're putting them back inside a dirty, plastic mower almost a decade old. With new models still coming out, it's hard to say who would be interested in laying out that much when a more modern version can cost less than a grand (per
eBay, anyhow).
The only parts I've seen for sale are the battery (again, just dead lead), adapters (mine didn't come with them), and the blades, which seem to hold their value because they are used by the newer mowers. My blades are old and dulled but might clean up OK.
I will look again at the mowers but I expect they are obsolete, at best. People around here tend to use reel mowers, weed whips, and goats to keep their grass in check.