You will not make a big pay off this lot but you can learn much more value.
I sell used electronic parts on
ebay. I have sold parts more outdated than what you have there, not huge amounts but still. It's my experience and belief that a customer needs their system repaired and can't wait for a new system. Remember that installation of security equipment can take a long time and labor costs can be very high.
I believe some of my items have been used in very old industrial machines that need to continue to run without a complex and expensive up date.
I recommend you do a good search for you system and the individual components, including the boards. You will become educated and will profit from the experience.
If you can't recognize blown caps on boards you should do some youtube searches so you don't sell a board that is obviously bad.
This could easily be one of the best and cheapest educations you can receive. 73, Mike