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Commodore 64 and older Apple PC

| More than Scrap Value
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    Scrap man started this thread.
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    Commodore 64 and older Apple PC

    Hey everyone,
    I just thought I'd share my latest find. Over the weekend, I went to a pickup call for some computers and electronics. Turns out the guy has an old Commodore 64 and an Apple II (I think that's what it was) computer and monitor, along with a floppy drive for the Apple and software/games for both of them. According to him, they had gotten wet along with a few other problems. I gave him $8 for the lot as is and just brought it all to a friend to have it looked at. The monitor works, the Apple II computer works, but the 64 doesn't at the moment. He says he may be able to fix it if it's a simple fix, but he's not sure. This was only my 2nd pickup, and I'm already finding cool stuff. How awesome is that?

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  3. #2
    ComputerScrapper's Avatar
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    Very nice...Finding those golden oldies is just sweet! I have always loved getting those older machines.

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