Originally Posted by
On the forum thread below members openly discuss prices they're receiving for boards.
I'm not about to send APA a private comm, I do not do business with people who have to hide behind a veil of secrecy which arouses ones suspicion of deceit.
We often hear from forum members claiming to have received excellent prices from APA, whats to say these transactions are not loss leaders.
Below replace "discount" with bait.
Same deal with those bags of river gravels ( Pay Dirt ) people buy in hopes of finding a few flakes of gold, the most rewarding sales the seller is able to make go to some forum member.
The member receives a salted bag, he brags on the forum of his good fortune - cheap promo for the seller.
Loss Leaders: When you know that certain products are in demand. Whether it's a luxury item like an iPad or everyday need like undergarments, you can provide certain products at a steep discount to draw new customers to your store. Known as loss leaders, these products are great for selling overstocked items, increasing traffic to your store, and generating brand awareness.
In the link you have here, I am one of the people commenting, as it is on
E-waste, which I know some about. I saw it, I know about it, I commented. My point was not that prices should not be discussed in the open. They should be. My point was that posting
"Waiting for someone to answer me" probably will not get you very far. I wasn't saying send him a message to discuss prices in secret, in fact I suggested direct messaging him, just to alert him to this post here ,where you are asking the question. I doubt he goes on and read through every single post, every single day, and was just suggesting that alerting him to the existence of your question might get you a faster answer than just throwing it out there and then hoping someone with cat. knowledge sees it (and getting impatient when someone doesn't and posting
"Waiting for someone to answer me").