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Legos worth more per lb than mother boards..... - Page 2

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  1. #21
    ScrapYaHerd started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Filthy View Post
    see, now you got me lookin...

    40 lbs of Lego

    thats about 5 min from where i live, and i am considering making an offer of $20
    What some people call Legos aren't. It's hard to tell the difference if they are legos or not, some may be megablocks-not worth nearly the same.

  2. #22
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    Legos Wanted

    Hi all.

    I haven't been very active on here --- can you say D I V O R C E ???? Well, anyway, my daughter recently had her 9th birthday and I gave her a Lego set since seemed to be into "building" houses & furniture at my house. Guess what? Legos are a hit! She very much enjoys building stuff.

    So, I'm looking for used Legos --- must be the brand name Legos. Shoot me a PM or an email via my user profile and let's discuss. Tell me how many pounds you have, price, and your location if it's not in your user profile.


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  4. #23
    Jillyenator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DWJ View Post
    I've made some decent bucks buying "loose" Lego's at garage sales and selling them by the pound on Ebay. My experience is for every dollar I spend at a garage/estate sale, I can sell for close to $10. Thank you postal service for the "big Flat Rate Box"
    Now this is a cool idea. I'm adding it to my list.

  5. #24
    Jillyenator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wdaddy View Post
    I made lots on Legos. Star wars legos are great... especially the minifigs. I was getting like $6-$10 per minifig.

    My wife and I picked up a box of old space legos all tossed in a box for $12 at a thrift store. I sorted out all the pieces then started building the models (the instructions were thrown in the box also). I had to replace a few bricks with some I had in my kids' tote of legos to get some of the models completed. When we were done building the 5 models I made over $400. These turned out to be 20 or 30 year old models and I was able to get them put together complete.

    Here's one like the one I had

    Lego 493 Space Command Center (1978) Classic Vintage Space | eBay

    I picked up a model train lego set on a rummage sale... that was fun to put together and test... then I had to sell it.

    The instructions for the models can be found and printed online.

    Knights, space, batman, harry potter, starwars... you can't find them around here for any kind of a deal. But, keep looking. Sometimes you find something....
    Wdaddy, that is really exciting and it sounds like a blast to put it all together, too.

    Now you guys got me really thinking. There's kid stuff at garage sales all the time, and I never look at any of it.

  6. #25
    wadarbr549's Avatar
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    ive sold a lot of legos on ebay, there is good money in them...the old duplo legos ( the bigger ones ) can be worth a good bit...there is a lot of work in sorting them..remember if selling them on ebay to get the best money they have to be all lego brand..that means no mega bloks or any of the other block brands can be mixed in with them....i always clean them real good before selling them by putting them in a laundry bag and washing them in my washing machine.......

    also if you find certain sets you can make a whole lot more by identifying the set, even if it is a partial set...the best way to figure out what set you have is to find an odd looking piece, then look it over and find the number on it....go to this web site Home | Brickset: LEGO set guide and database and search the will bring up every set that brick has been in...then you can easily tell which set you have by the other pieces......

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  8. #26
    Goatrutar's Avatar
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    I'd never thought of reselling Lego blocks before. The prices in the shops are outrageous. I might check out some garage sales.
    High on life. And glue.

  9. #27
    british's Avatar
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    WOW Just seen 8kg (17.6Lbs) of lego go for £51.33 ($81+)
    Plus £10 postage ($15.00+)
    Thats £6.41 per Kg($4.61 per lb).

    I see a new addition to my plan!!!!!

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