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Meet the new addition to the family

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    kcscrapper is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Meet the new addition to the family

    Meet brass he's a Great Pyrenees mixed with lab

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    thirsty's Avatar
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    Adorable! Love the name! Good luck with him.

  4. #3
    ixcelr84scraps's Avatar
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    awwww,so cute!

  5. #4
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    Love the name.....
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  6. #5
    kcscrapper is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Thanks everyone my wife has another in her belly

  7. #6
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    That's going to make a great helper in the break down area. My dog's first name was D__-it, as in D__-IT stop chrewing on my shoe, D__-IT stop peeing in the house,etc. She, Princess Anne, is now my best buddy.

    She also makes a great pillow for the grandson. They have hung out since they were both puppies. She is a Shih tzu/Basset Hound mix, I call her a sh__ hound. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  8. #7
    kcscrapper is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Ya the puppy is a little rough for little man he doesn't know to push him away yet plus little man is still trying to walk so sometimes he doesn't watch where he is going and trips over the puppy then the puppy wants to play. Lol

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    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Cooper our Jack Russell brought him him as a 4 week old puppy, banished him from the house at 6 weeks, treed his first bear at 2 months old and killed a host of rodents and other critters since. He just turned 10 years which is old for a Jack, they usually die much sooner from fighting Wolverines or Badgers or chasing cars.

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    brucie is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    ha gus looks like he is in the house

    Great Pyrenees are great dogs. i had one as a kid. they treat children like sheep and like to herd them to keep them safe. their stubbornness can make them a little hard to train but if you start early and use positive training methods instead of yelling/negative actions they become great dogs. have fun

  13. #10
    kcscrapper is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by brucie View Post
    ha gus looks like he is in the house

    Great Pyrenees are great dogs. i had one as a kid. they treat children like sheep and like to herd them to keep them safe. their stubbornness can make them a little hard to train but if you start early and use positive training methods instead of yelling/negative actions they become great dogs. have fun
    Got any input on how to train him I'm used to training labs.

  14. #11
    brucie is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    i was thinking about what i wrote above all day. it was not the gp we had that was the children herder, it was a collie. the gp was all about being the silent guard around the kids. she would plop herself down and keep watch over them. the most important thing about these dogs is that like the lab they are made to work. the labs are so happy go lucky natured that they tend to just be hyperactive and chewy when they are not worked but the gp can develep other barking. they need a yard and to be able to watch their property. ours would run along the fence checking for anything out of the norm.

    i may get flamed for this but if you have never seen "the dog whisper" check him out. he deals a lot w/ being alpha of the pack but also stuff like if they are focus on something (aggressive or barking or just focused when they shouldnt be like when your walking and you see them start to really focus on somethign that in a few seconds or minutes could make them pull), you make a noise and nudge them w/ your foot or hand in the neck or back leg in a quick surprise motion. it just takes their crazy insane focus off and a lot of times they cant listen to you because they are in that focus trance and you just making a noise or taping (taping not hitting, no more pressure than you would a baby) takes them out of it and so they can be responsive to you.

    also stuff like if you have an area you dont want them to be around, instead of pulling them away or trying to yell no, you just walk between them and the area, and walk toward them making them back up. they will automatically back up. its how another dog would tell them "no, this is my area." mothers do this w/ dogs around their puppies.. they will rush them (not necessarily fast or really aggressive, just walking toward them meaningfully and they will respond. i have a pit that you cant leave anything around, she cant help but want to grab a hammer, bowl, whatever and take it but if i am working in a area and i make a perimeter around that area a couple times when she comes up to it by "rushing toward her" until she backs away she will not come into my area even if i go inside.. she will go up to the perimeter of "my area" and then back away. its not just the "rushing" but the follow up.. keep walking toward them until they understand that this area is mine and you dog can come up to this specific spot.

    there are lots of little things like that. ok i am tired and that may have been a ramble.. lol

    GP specifically... they are slow.. they will learn commands but dont expect them to flop down in a second like a lab. they are stubborn and will respond better to treat learning than yelling.... they will probably become more stubborn the angrier you get. you will probably have to go get the dog and walk him back a bunch of times before "come" sinks in. go ahead and expect it and you will be a frustrated. socialization is super important.. they are gentle w/ kids but some can become a little to protective if they think their charges are being damaged. so if you have children you want to socialize them playing/rough housing w/ other children soon so they dont think that they have to protect your child from another if they play wrestle. you have a mix w/ lab so who knows what personality you will get... you might get the opposite of their norm calm nature.

    Make sure you have the fence or whatever solid bc they will always want to extend their area they think they need to protect. we got ours because he was walking down the freeway w/ bloody paws from walking. i heard this is pretty norm for them.

    they are super gentle and love to plop in front of doors... oh and as for doors, if you dont do this w/ your dog, its a good idea to not let them run through a door ahead of you. i always train my puppies from the very beginning no matter how big a bread to always wait for me to go through a doorway first. if i am walking through the door the dogs will always stop and let me go first and if i stop at the door they will stop and wait until i either go through or i motion for them to go through. w/ the gp its important bc they get so freaking big. it also puts in that i am alpha. i like the dog whisper bc once you start doing the little things you realize that its really the relationship you have w/ the dogs that makes the difference. training is super easy once they understand that you are the big dog... they want you to be.

    ok sorry if that was a ramble. you probably already know that stuff but those are the things that came to my mind.

    Quote Originally Posted by kcscrapper View Post
    Got any input on how to train him I'm used to training labs.

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  16. #12
    kcscrapper is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Thanks brucie I never heard of those I will try them. I got to break him of chewing everything but his toy or and on my son I know he is playing but my little one gets tired of it.

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