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  1. #1
    slaghunter started this thread.
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    Looking for plastic and crt glass buyer in VA

    Anybody know of a plastic buyer in the VA area? I am also looking for a buyer of CRT glass. If you look at the numbers of monitors and TV's being recycled there must be someone in the us that buys them. I would be glad to find a place that would take them for free. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slaghunter View Post
    Anybody know of a plastic buyer in the VA area? I am also looking for a buyer of CRT glass. If you look at the numbers of monitors and TV's being recycled there must be someone in the us that buys them. I would be glad to find a place that would take them for free. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    As far as I know there's not one CRT buyer here in the midwest. You'll be lucky if you find someone to take them for free.
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  3. #3
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    I know there is alot of talk on here about recycling crt glass correctly but since there is no refiner that anyone can find who actually does this????........

  4. #4
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    I don't have any idea about this. But you will search on google and also communicate with those friends who have a knowledge about this. I think there should be some companies which buy plastic for recycling this and create a new thing by reusing this plastic. This is a very nice business actually it is business of recycling any thing and we all know that recycling or I can say that if anything is gonna recycle it means it is going to create a new thing from the plastic which has been previously used.


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  5. #5
    marksmetalrecycling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slaghunter View Post
    Anybody know of a plastic buyer in the VA area? I am also looking for a buyer of CRT glass. If you look at the numbers of monitors and TV's being recycled there must be someone in the us that buys them. I would be glad to find a place that would take them for free. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Just came across this thread from a few years ago, but if you're still looking for a plastic buyer, a new recycler has recently opened in the Lynchburg, VA area - Pure Earth Recycling. They recycle many types of plastic (not just milk jugs, etc.). I take them the leftover plastics from my vacuums, appliances, etc. You can reach them at (434) 944-6262.

    Regarding CRT glass -- I, too, am still looking for someone to buy those. At least right now, the city I live in still picks them up as bulk waste on the curbside (I harvest the metals from inside and reattach the plastic backs). Not sure how long that will last, though.

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  7. #6
    Swampy's Avatar
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    It appears there are at least a couple of CRT refiners in the U.S. now, and also at least one company who processes CRT glass into "Alternative Daily Cover" ("ADC"). What I have read so far is kind of scary about how or why "ADC" was / is a viable option. On the other hand, it does appear that CRT refining is viable and that companies are in operation in America. One of the first ones I am reading about is called ECS Refining. I had previously read about the process of separating lead and glass from CRTs, but at the time I think it was related to a British company whose name escapes me.

    I'm going to keep reading / researching, and I have found several interesting stories / sites on google this morning.

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  9. #7
    Lupin111 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Adding my .02

    NU Life Glass, is a company in upstate New York that refines and recovers the glass with state-of-the-fart technology.

    ^couldn't help myself. That aside they seem to be a great company with a great process to make use of the now obsolete and hard to recycle crt tube/glass/monitors.

    Yes, they are in upstate NY but they get freight shipped to them from up and down the east coast.
    You may want to do a search and call to see if they can give you some info on a client that they may have close to you, to piggyback on their load of course.

    They do charge around $0.10/lb for disposal though.

    I know all this because I gave them a call last fall for some research I was doing.

  10. #8
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    Ecs does take crts whole cant be stripped. I sell them crts now I get paid per # if you wanna know more details PM me. I've been to the facility did a tour its a pretty neat process they use to separate all the material. Oh and I couldn't pass up the free lunch they offered.

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  12. #9
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unitsngold View Post
    Ecs does take crts whole cant be stripped. I sell them crts now I get paid per # if you wanna know more details PM me. I've been to the facility did a tour its a pretty neat process they use to separate all the material. Oh and I couldn't pass up the free lunch they offered.
    The original Poster may have to get a few more posts under their belt before they can PM. (private message)

  13. #10
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    I guess I should have looked but the op posted this in2012.

  14. #11
    Lupin111 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by unitsngold View Post
    Ecs does take crts whole cant be stripped. I sell them crts now I get paid per # if you wanna know more details PM me. I've been to the facility did a tour its a pretty neat process they use to separate all the material. Oh and I couldn't pass up the free lunch they offered.
    Did a google search for "ECS" and I found the company you mentioned. Now I didn't see any mentions of buybacks, but you say they pay by the #?

    Cool find for you, getting paid or not

    Quote Originally Posted by unitsngold View Post
    I guess I should have looked but the op posted this in2012.
    Alls good, gotta keep the old ones rolling to keep the forums clean.
    Also, this is good research material, 5 months from now when someone uses the search button

    tag: CRT, CRT glass, TV, glass, refining, lead glass, computer monitors,

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  16. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by unitsngold View Post
    I guess I should have looked but the op posted this in2012.
    Hey that's ok, I've been scouring every mention of CRTs on this forum trying to find a decent outlet and you may have pointed me in the right direction!

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