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hobo finds
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Glass bottles / jars .04 lb
Recently in the news up here was a story about the city's "blue bin" recycling program. Seems the city has collected 12 000 tons or so of glass so far (yes, that's around 24 million lbs of glass) and couldn't find a market for it. So, to keep it from just being buried in the local dumps with the rest of the garbage, they're going to... bury it in the dumps. It's going to be used instead of gravel base to construct dump roads. Sadly, the cost is about 5-6 x what buying the same gravel would cost. And that's just what it cost the city directly via the recycling program. That doesn't include the costs of whatever energy, water, etc. that the city residents used to rinse/wash it first. More government "let's do something completely useless to make us all feel all green and happy and better!" BS.