As a Non American, The Sue SA mentality is both amazing, sad and disgusting. And of course like all things here in the United States of Australia, whatever moronic Fluked up thing that happens there filters down under. The armchair Geniuses that got their Law degree from Television make claims of Sueing people over anything they don't like and want to make up but fortunately the reality of doing it here is still a very different thing. Most Lawyers want $5000 up front before they will even start a case they think they can win. That alone soon sorts out the low lifes.
I have to admit the attitude of so many I hear and I know it may be the low enders, about Safety and protecting others drives me insane. I don't know if America has become a nation of whineing ***** safety zealots or I just come across it a lot. I swear if I could reach out and smack someone in the nose when they talk about MY responsibility to not show something on a youtube vid because some kid or dipstick may copy it and hurt themselves, I would hurt them plenty. Like many have said here, If I do something, Like weld without gloves or a bombproof suit and respirator like many complain about and I do, one day finally manage to hurt myself, so what?? It's not like I'm going to cut my Goddam arm off. It's going to be a bit of a burn from some splatter or touching something hot. The way many of the safety zealots go on you'd think I was handling spent nuke fuel rods or something.
If You say you'll make your own risk assesments, then you get the ols " But what if some kid sees it and copys you" crap. Then comes the old You'll get your arse sued off BS. No, I won't because I don't live in your fine country that has this inexplicable moronic mindset. Seriously, I don't know how your society is going to function in years to come if every moron, and as a society you seem hell bent on protecting and breeding them up instead of letting natural selection take care of the problem, can trip over their own shoelaces and sue you because they were walking along your Council owned footpath when it happened but come after Joe public.
How will companies be able to sell products when every clown that sticks a knife in a toaster is going to sue them or the knife manufacturer for not makeing them out of rubber or putting a warning lable on them they are metal and conduct electrricity.
Just what I come into contact with the saftey zealots and the " Your personal responsibility is someone elses job" crowd amaze and enrage me. The mentality that whenever a brainless idiot does something moronic can sue you just amazes me.
The other mentality that you are responsible for what some idiot sees you do and gets wrong and hurts themselves by doing wrong incites me.
One thing I have seen the US influence on here with regards to dangers and Suing is on Lawn Mowers. You can always tell a Mower Built in or designed for the US market By the blade or engine stop feature. Really? There are that many idiots that stick their hands in the blades?? I had a mower with that blade stop rubbish and it lasted one lawn then I took the thing up the back, removed that ridicilous garbage and threw it to the shiphouse. I have been mowing lawns since a young Kid and I have never had to restart the mower every time I empited the catcher and I have never lost a finger or any other part of me yet. None of our localy made mowers have this detriment and somehow our population seems to survive with all their digits.
It's not the manufacturers fault if you are an idiot or have a brain fade and stick your hands where they shouldn't go. What next, cars that automaticaly lock the doors so you can't step out at 60 MPH in case someone sues?
Not quite as good as Coffee cups with hot contents warnings on them though.
If I hurt myself Through my own stupidity, it's my fault and I'll wear it. That's a lot different thing to a faulty product that puts someone in danger or causes an accident a person with a brain could not reasonably forsee.