Well I have to start it first
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Well I have to start it first
The only thing those tiles are good for is a fallout shelter. (My opinion)
Let's face it, CRTs one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century, is one of the biggest nightmares of this century.
Hopefully, one day they will figure out a useful, economic, and safe way of Recycling them.
I don't think I'd want any of these tiles in my house.
Prior threads mention some use of CRT material on landfills ("Alternate Daily Cover"), which I thought was weird, at least no my non-technical / scientific mind. I should read more about it to get a better understanding. There are a few companies that are (or were) separating lead from glass and reusing / reselling those individual components.
A few companies involved in either of these (separation/refining or ADC) are: ECS Refining, Nulife Glass, and Kuusakoski Recycling.
Scary numbers regarding the amount of material sitting around (and God only knows what's sitting underground and/or in the oceans already).
I agree with junkfreak - hope a safe, viable option comes along in the (near) future.
As I read over the last few posts it made me think of and wonder about, what happened with all the "cop killer bullets"/cheap Chinese ammo that ended up sitting on docks and such as it became illegal because of it's construction.
I have a older Air Force publication that has pictures of one of those huge cargo planes being loaded with shrink wrapped pallets of new $100.00 bills.
What was the "trade" that the Chinese were trading?
SKS rifles.
I'm not making this up. I still have the magazine and it's a official Government publication.
Some interesting reading can be found in the "trade publications".
I bring all this up as I believe that the leaded glass thing is mostly a scam by those that run things from their secret places.
There are MANY such "concepts" that have been revealed at a latter TIME when most people don't really care as they realize that they can do nothing about it but deal with it.
The problem is that most just ignore the facts and proof that gets in the way of what they would like to TRY and believe.
Those that "run things" view those under them as cattle. Even the proof of that is easy to find.
The Department of HUMAN resources is one example. Look up what the word resources means, and we already know what a human is.
I will sometimes think of the old photos I have seen of young Navy personal sitting and watching the TESTS that we now know are not the best things to be around.
and remember to
under a school desk is SAFE,lol...
I remember those drills in school when I was younger.
The slow moving liquid thing is a myth.
I still think they should use the CRT glass to entomb the Fukushima & chernobal reactors...
I have been spending some of my time looking around the site and seeing what I find that's interesting.
This is a old thread that has some entertaining reading and great information.
I did do a little research on crystal glass and it is made with lead oxide which is made from good ol lead.
From research I did in the past on CRT"s. The front glass is very pure quality glass that is welded/glued to the tube that is leaded glass.
It seems that a special machine that is expensive is required to separate the glass.
I have a couple of broken CRT tubes put away that I figured I could see if the glass could be separated into three groups. The all front glass pieces, the middle section that would have bits of both glass types as well as the weld and the leaded glass pieces.
Not interested to mess with such projects at the time, but it is another thing on my list of many things that I can do for distraction and entertainment.